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Emily Bishop has been a part of Coronation Street since 1961 when she turned up to work in Gamma Garments as Emily Nugent. She’s been through a lot since then, but this week she left the cobbles for Peru. Yes, Peru. She’s gone to help nephew Spider in his work there and in an unseemly rush of a storyline, Emily mentions Spider one minute and has left to fly out to see him the next. The actress who plays Emily is, according to ITV, taking a break from the show for six months. I do hope she’ll be back, even if it’s just to give us, as fans, the chance to say goodbye to Emily properly, with a sweet sherry in our hand and a tear in our eye.
Norris is jealous and nasty about Emily’s plans to leave for Peru and can barely bring himself to say anything nice about her leaving. He calls her a “silver-topped Che Guevara in wide-fitting shoes”. He’s hurt of course, but doesn’t want to show it. Not until the end as the regulars bundle Emily into a taxi for the airport does Norris show his true feelings. With a crack in his voice, he bids Emily farewell and hands her a bag filled with 300 pencils which he says Spider needs for his literacy programme in Peru. Rita, Norris, Anna, Billy the vicar and Ken all gather to wave Emily off but the emotional send-off is spoiled by Nessa who turns up complaining about her son Alex. He’s got drunk on pre-mix cocktails from Marksies, again. When Emily leaves, we see Norris at home, alone and lonely. I wonder what’ll happen to him, now?
Nessa’s causing all kinds of problems this week. She harangues Ken into having a Hawaiian themed party on New Year’s Eve. At the party, Ken tries to have a quiet word with Audrey to tell her how much he values her friendship, but Nessa spoils their moment and it’s gone. Nessa also breaks one of Deirdre’s hand-made pottery mugs with Ken’s name on it, this week. We’re supposed to despise Nessa, of course, as it lays the way open for Ken and Audrey to get together. I can’t say I like the idea of them together either, but suspect that’s the way it’ll go. Meanwhile, Amy is doing a wonderful job at keeping everyone at No. 1 in check.
Johnny gets the DNA results back and it proves that he’s Carla’s dad. Carla doesn’t take the news well, she starts drinking to excess and takes herself off to the casino for an afternoon. Joining her at the table is Robert, who’s had enough of Tracy. Anyway, Carla and Robert are a match made in hell, they should really have been together all this time, both fiery and alpha. Robert wins at the casino table and they celebrate with a bottle of bubbly which they take upstairs for a spot of how’s-your-father. Well, Carla’s father is desperate to know if she’ll tell Kate and Aidan the truth that she’s their half-sister, Carla’s keeping quiet for now. After she does the deed with Robert in the casino, she tells him it was a mistake, she was drunk, and she doesn’t want it mentioning ever again. The nasty glint in Robert’s eye suggests it might not be kept quiet.
Tyrone and Fiz get some good news about Hope. Her tumour’s shrank enough that it can be removed in three weeks. However, it’s bad news for Tyrone when the pay-day lenders close in for their loan repayments and a nasty looking elf comes looking for his cash after Ty’s cheque bounced for the Lapland extravaganza.
Over at Underworld, there’s ping-pong at the pants factory when the Connors take on O’Driscolls.
Roy does his annual deep clean of Roy’s Rolls and Cathy decides to do more chucking-out at her place. She asks Roy to help and sets him on clearing out the papers from her late husband Alan’s desk. Roy finds a letter in the desk, a letter he can’t tell Cathy about. But as we need to know, as viewers, what he has found, he tells Anna in the cafĂ© that it’s a letter from a woman that Alan was clearly having a fling with. That woman, my friends, was Cathy’s sister Nessa. Oh, I know, as if we didn’t hate her enough.
And as 2016 rolls into Weatherfield, Brenda kisses Mary on the cheek and runs back to his wife. Liz tries to give Mary some of her words of Liz-dom but it falls on deaf ears, Mary’s too desperate to be loved. Carla and Nick snog, as do Eva and Aidan, Todd asks Zeedan if there’s any chance of a cuddle (there isn’t) and Sean and Billy kiss. And, finally, Kevin kisses Anna, under an umbrella, in the rain.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were Debbie Oates (Monday double); Ellen Taylor (Wednesday); Susan Oudot (Thursday); Damon Rochefort (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at
Glenda Young
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Nasty though Norris was, I don't think it was jealousy. For once I think he was genuinely worried about her (with some good cause, given her age!) - and he knows he's going to be very lonely without her.
'And as 2016 rolls into Weatherfield, Brenda kisses Mary on the cheek' .......There's a whole new storyline in itself lol
Ha! Joanne, well spotted. Now that's a story I'd actually like to see.
You have a typo! Should be Brendan not Brenda! Thought Fat Brenda was hitting on Mary! lol
Cobblestone,I agree with your comments about Norris as I also believe he's genuinely concerned about her safety.
I can't help but wonder if the Street is saying goodbye to Emily for the last time?
What is a recycling of Tina's father Joe's problems with money lenders,I really don't feel sorry for Tyrone as Roy did offer financial help and his 'Lapland'was over the top.
I'm also puzzled on how Tyrone could afford an engagement ring for Fiz if he's so deep in debt?
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