Without any piffle, here's the storylines for the week ahead on Coronation Street, all wrapped up nicely in 50 words or less.
Week of Monday January 25 to Friday January 29
Jenny returns, Gary and Phelan square up, Dev catches Mary and Brendan at it on the sofa, Audrey has heart problems, Brendan’s wife Bridget arrives.
The full weekly preview, with pictures is right here on Corrie.net
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Next week seems to be Corrie's 'Kevin Webster week' as he seems to be involved in two storylines at the same time,both Jenny's and Phelan's return[what's the point?].
No wonder other actors are leaving to pursue other projects.They dont' get a chance when storylines are taken over by a few characters,Connors,Tracy,Platts and Websters.
An interesting synopsis, I think it looks like a good week ahead.
Kevin does seem to be involved in a lot of action this month, but then Carla has been for at least a year. Even the 'revenge porn' farce has reverberated back to Mrs Connor (no detriment to the astoundingly good Alison King, of course).
Maybe our Kev will take a break soon?(not permanent I hope). Maybe the new producer will breath a bit of life into it, I think we've a few characters to depart soon?. Just story evolution I reckon.
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