Cosy crimes and gritty sagas by Corrie Blog editor Glenda, published by Headline. Click pic below!

Friday, 22 January 2016

Preview of tonight's double Corrie - Friday 22 January

Friday 22nd January
TRACY FACES SOME DIFFICULT QUESTIONS An anxious Nick and the Connors gather at Carla’s bedside waiting for her to regain consciousness. As the police interview the bistro staff, they find a mobile phone in the kitchen. Recognising Amy’s photo on the screensaver, Leanne confirms it belongs to Tracy. The police call at No.1 and presenting Tracy with her phone, question her about what she was doing in the bistro on the evening of the robbery. Can Tracy talk her way out of trouble? Meanwhile Leanne tells Robert that the police will want to question him. As Robert makes to leave, Leanne lets slip that the police found Tracy’s phone in the kitchen. Robert conceals his mounting panic.
ROY’S ON THE HORNS OF A DILEMMA Alex arrives and moans to Cathy about his lack of job. Roy suggests he works in the café whilst he’s away in Hastings. Roy visits Carla in hospital. Nick explains that he’ll have to wait as the doctor is currently with her. Roy’s quietly worried he’ll miss his train to Hastings.
KEVIN FINDS A FRIEND IN PAT PHELAN When Phelan spots a delivery note at the building site, he realises Ron the foreman is ripping Kevin off. Jason makes Kevin aware of Ron’s scam and assures him that he and Phelan are on the case. Kevin’s grateful.
ELSEWHERE Sally embarks on her council campaign. Whilst Sophie gives Rita a lesson on her new tablet computer, Sally tells a reluctant Tim she’s going to need his help with some research.


TRACY’S LIES CATCH UP WITH HER Robert confronts Tracy, demanding to know how she came to leave her phone in the bistro. Tracy claims she called in hoping to surprise him but finding Carla alone in the bar, she crept out again just as the robbers broke in. Robert’s unimpressed, pointing out she should have called the police. At the hospital Leanne voices her suspicions to Nick about the fact both Carla and Tracy were in the bistro on the night of the robbery. When Nick quizzes Carla as to what she was doing in the bistro, will she confess she was with Robert? Meanwhile in the flower shop, Tracy finally cracks and reveals to Todd how Robert and Carla had a one night stand and she intends to make Carla pay!
ROY SAYS GOODBYE FOR NOW Carla’s touched to find Roy at her bedside. Nick explains that Roy has to catch a train to Hastings to look after his mother and Carla insists Johnny drives him to the station.
ANNA TELLS KEVIN SOME OF THE TRUTH Anna plucks up the courage to tell Kevin the truth about Phelan but she’s taken aback when Kevin insists Phelan’s told him about his involvement with she and Owen. Will Kevin give Anna the chance to explain her side of the story?
ELSEWHERE Rita’s thrilled when she receives her first online friend request from an old pal. Sally discusses her political stance with Ken and having decided to stand as an Independent, steamrollers Ken into agreeing to be her campaign manager and Sophie to spearhead all things social media.

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C in Canada said...

I hope they're not going to drag this Anna/Phelan/Kevin story out too much. Have the explosion and get on with things. Watching Anna wring her hands for weeks is torture.
Plus, I like her and Kevin together, they make a good couple.

MartesBC said...

Completely agree C.

coconno196 said...

With she and Owen?! Please: it's "with her and Owen".

Glenda Young said...

coconno196 - you might want to let know about their mistakes in their press previews. I simply paste to the blog what we're sent from ITV.

Anonymous said...

I don;t know why ITV would bother with this fake suspense,"Will Tracy talk her way out of trouble again." We all know the answer to that so don't pretend there might be something unexpected this time.

Anonymous said...

coconno196 and Flaming Nora - this incorrect use of pronouns drives me wild too. I wrote to ITV about it, but never rec'd a reply. I would like to suggest that you do too, so they know that it bothers more than 1 person. Bev in Canada

Anonymous said...

C in Canada,I also like Anna and Kevin and hope the storyline isn't dragged out.I also hope that once the truth does hit the fan that when Kevin becomes holier than thou[and he will]I hope he's reminded of his past affair with his best friend's and partner's wife and how he fathered her child.
After her lies caused so much pain for others in the past,I like the idea of Tracy being falsely accused and questioned by the police.

Cobblestone said...

I've noticed a few times that the ITV press releases often involve shocking grammar. You really would think whoever has a high profile job like that, for a major broadcaster, would have a better command of English.

Cobblestone said...

In fairness, Kevin doesn't need to be reminded about it. He admitted it to Phelan the other night, and clearly felt ashamed of his behaviour.

MartesBC said...

I think this is all a set up with Phelan at the helm. The Carla car incident is a bonus. Phelan is likely in cahoots with the contractor and is pretending to save the day for Kevin. Why would he use Jason as a go between on this news? Anna has warned Kevin that this is what he does. He wins you over and you don't see it coming. The it in this case could be taking over the business... Possible beginning of the exit storylines for Jason and Sophie?

Emma Hynes said...


"Why would he use Jason as a go between on this news?"

I think because it gave Phelan the opportunity to show himself in a good light to Jason, thus luring another resident in. Also, Jason is a trusted neighbour to Kevin and getting him to deliver the news ensures that a) it's believable and b) Phelan comes across as modest and not self-serving. All of this groundwork will help when he inevitably rips them off somehow.

Glenda Young said...

Cobblestone et al..

The errors in spelling and grammar are noticeable on the official Coronation Street website and especially on the ITV Corrie twitter. It's disrespectful to both Coronation Street and the English Language. Awful stuff.


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