Here's something for you all to ponder. Last night I was watching Doris Speed in her prime as Annie Walker, surely the best Rovers Return landlady ever. She was engaged in a battle of wills with Eddie Yeats over the goings on of the Corporation's dustmen and the discussion of her rubbish over the Rovers bar.
Watching the formidable Anne Walker nee Beaumont in full force made me wonder what she would make of Coronation Street if she suddenly returned today. Now I know this is sadly an impossible dream, but this blog often delves into fantasy in terms of what we would like to see happen in our favourite television soap. So stick with me.
If some of the classic Coronation Street characters of the past returned to the Street of 2013, what do you think their verdicts would be on today's modern residents?
Would Annie have Stella Price packing her bags within the hour? What would Alf Roberts make of Dev's Corner Shop? Would Mike Baldwin admire Carla Connor's business acumen? What would Hilda Ogden have to say about Kevin's eventful private life? I bet she wouldn't be exactly chuffed to little mint balls! And would Ivy Tilsley-Brennan recognise herself in Gail Potter-Tilsley-Platt-Hillman-McIntyre? One shudders to think!
My guess is these legends would have today's incarnations chased from the district and over the Stockport boundary before the Meerkats scampered into view to call half time! But what do you think?
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The first image that came to mind was Ena Sharples replacing Sunita overlooking Karl on the couch. She's way before my time as a fan, but her legend lives on. What would her take on the whole surrogacy thing be? Yipes.
I think Alf would approve of the corner shop overall. I also think Mike Baldwin would take mini-me Rob under his wing and think Carla's too soft on the workers. Annie Walker wouldn't even recognize the Rovers, as the interior changes after the 1986 fire happened after she left and she'd totally despair of the mess littered around the smoking section and the fruit machine would offend her sensibilities.
Ena Sharples would be forced to admit that Elsie Tanner was a model citizen in comparison to the majority of today's residents. Scandal isn't even scandalous anymore, it has become the norm and with it has gone the realism that used to underpin the programme.
Annie would be rolling in her grave over the shenanigans of the current bar staff. In her day scandal was rare and if there was any upset it would be dealt with out the back. Even Bet painted on a smile for the customers and left her private life out the back. Considering Stella spends so much time out the back room she doesnt seem to mind her bar staff/family getting involved in endless arguments and scandals infront of her customers. Perhaps she ses it as a way of boosting trade!?!-Micky
Hi Graeme.
You know when were uploading photos for this post, did you have any problems? Because I can't for some reason :/
Hi - No I didn't have any problems with the photos but it did take several attempts before it would save it :/ Sorry you're having difficulties!
I wonder what Bet Lynch would make of Eva Price's wardrobe. Too trashy for the trash queen herself?
I wonder what Annie Walker would have made of todays "favourite" barmaid - the sour faced Tina, when she actually turns up and not having some crisis or other, she is consistently rude to customers, pushed a pregnant woman so she gave birth early and has thrown many a drink over people - her feet wouldnt have touched the floor but today she is not even reprimanded - just sent in the back or home early. Truly astonishing.
Life moves on. Annie Walker would probably drop down dead on knowing the Rovers' landlady had an ex prostitute for a daughter. Its good that society has become more tolerant and less judgemental. It's bad that Coronation Street now only appeals to people who want to watch a pantomime.
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