From time to time certain things about Coronation Street puzzle me. Normally these are passing notions and I soon move on to loftier problems.
However, I thought that finally it might be a good idea to get these issues off my chest and see if any of you, lovely Coronation Street Blog contributors, commenters and passers-by, may be able to come to my aid. So here goes, in no particular order:
1. Where do the residents of Coronation Street park their cars? Given that a Mini would stretch the length of three houses, it doesn't make sense.
2. Why is Sean Tully still in the cast?

4. How did Michelle Connor go from singer, to barmaid to Underworld lynchpin with apparently no previous experience or training?
5. Why is Sean Tully still in the cast?
6. Why did Audrey's house suddenly completely change with no explanation although she appears to live at the same address?

8. Why is Sean Tully still in the cast?
9. Why can some conversations be clearly overheard, anywhere in the Street, for example the Rovers or Roy's Rolls, while others are conveniently missed?

11. What is the point of the posh flats on Victoria Street? Yes I know Rob lives there now, but this surely makes my question all the more pressing.
12. Where on earth does Mary Taylor keep that monstrously large motorhome?

14. And finally, why is Sean Tully still in the cast?
Answers on a postcard please. Oh and please do add your own puzzlers!
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Ha Ha very funny. I think the source of Rita "Moneybags" Tanner's wealth has been explained in the programme. She inherited money from Len and I think Ted Sullivan was worth a bob or two.
The constant drafting in of cast members to all sorts of positions in the Faktry is very irritating. It's not just Michelle, its Maria, Rob, Eileen, Eva and many others I have probably forgotten as well. In fact, Carla has never been convincing as the owner.
Yes, why is Sean Tully still in it?
Most of these queries can be cleared up by understanding that Coronation Street is on planet Primeval (for non-fans, a sci-fi tv show). The street is littered with 'anomalies' or time portals. Every time a resident passes through the mist, cleverly disguised as perpetual rain, they enter a constantly changing parallel world where anything is possible. They have to use a mist because it would be just plain silly for people to have to fight their way through the back of a wardrobe. The only anomaly that can't be explained is why Sean Tully is still around.
Rita inherited Len's money, the Kabin and his builder's yard when he died. And then when Ted died she inherited his money and house in Oakhill. Vera Duckworth once told Rita that whenever she was short of money, she'd marry a wealthy man! She has also sold the Kabin now so she's more wealthy.
But I don't know how the Kabin has been called a goldmine by some because it's not extremely busy - most of the time it's only one or two people buying sherbert lemons and the Gazette. But maybe it's heaving when the cameras aren't there! :P
And Vera was right!! And the Kabin is probably heaving when Norris isn't there ;)
You missed out the most important puzzler. Why is Sean Tully still in the cast?
Sorry cock, I'll underline it and put it in bold next time ;)
It's not who you know.....
How about why did Carla suddenly go from 'If I stay here I'll die' to jumping back into life at the factory with no mention of how she's suddenly dealing with it?
Or why if Kylie was so adamant about not having kids would she be so lax with her contraception?
Are these puzzlers orn just really really lazy writing?
Regarding the reconfiguration of the staircase in Sally's house, didn't that occur after the fire when Ashley's son was trapped upstairs? The place was supposedly gutted and rebuilt.
The car parking thing has always baffled me. The car is always right out front when they need it but otherwise the cars are nowhere to be seen. The only one we do know is Hayley's "Woody", which they store in a remote garage. That's been referenced in the show now and then.
The elastic walls of most of the houses are always surprising. The Rovers just isn't large enough to hold all those extra bedrooms and living space which i'm glad to see has disappeared again.
Maybe we could suggest to the new producer that Sean realized after Dylan's Christmas visit (a) how much he misses him, (b) how insecure his job at the faktry is, and (c) how valuable his ownership of the country's most precious recipe is, so he decides to move to London to be near his son and to set up a company to manufacture and distribute his "Betty's hotpots" in food markets.
I think that there is a MBA certificate on 'free vend' at the Faktry - just cross out the previous name (Maria, Rosie etc) et voila, instant business nouse. The same is true of City and Guilds Certificates in Knicker Stitching (located at the door, just by the clocking in machine, pick one up on your way in if you haven't got one), and Food Hygiene and Handling certificates (in't back in't Rovers). Oh, and Car Mechanicing too.
Hey - I like Sean. Leave him alone. I would rather see him then Tracy any day. So the question shold be - why is Tracy still in the cast:)
I agree with you wholeheartedly about Tracy, but I had a good moan about her the other day! I liked Sean at first but now I can't abide him, and they quite clearly don't know what to do with him anymore. He has turned into a really selfish, unlikeable character and he either needs to shape up or ship out!
I like Sean as well, except when he's with Marcus. Other than that, he's no different than Stevie-Boy or Beth, not too bright, and prone to being immature & self-centered. He's a friend to Fizz & Eileen, generally has a sunny disposition, and is perfectly fine at both of his jobs. Marcus manages to bring out the worst in him, which is odd as he brings out the best in Maria and so many others. Now that they're no longer a couple, this shouldn't be as big of an issue.
Why is Dev still in the cast? He has all of Sean's bad traits, none of his redeeming values, and he terrible diction.
**he has terrible diction.**
I'm not sure it's Marcus that brings out the worst in him, he's quite capable by himself! I really like Marcus I have to say.
Agree totally about Dev - hope he goes soon
I don't really mind Sean when he's just sat around making a comment about someone else's storylines, but he's completely unsympathetic in his own storylines.
I've always wondered where the cars are on the street. It's up there with "why does everyone come out of the hairdressers looking the same?" and "how come Izzy always appears on the pavement without having had to traverse the cobbles?" Surely someone must have come up with a drinking game based on this by now?
I agree with abbyk, I like Sean. Yes he can be irritating at times but so can a lot of them. To each his own........besides, it's in the script :p
I have a few questions:
1. Whatever happened to all that debt that Gail had after the death of Richard Hillman?
2. Why do we always seem to hear about money problems but then the characters have no problems going on vacations at the drop of the hat?
3. Why is it that one week the factory is in dire straits but the following week it's a booming success? Lather, rinse, repeat.
4. Why does anyone worry about losing their jobs at the factory? It always seem they get hired back a couple of days later since there obviously are no other workers who can do that job in all of the UK.
5. How come no former residents show up whenever some big disaster or event happens? You'd think the place would be swarming with a few people. After the tram crash you'd think some would show up just for curiosity's sake (I know it has to do with the actors not being available but this always bugs me)?
6. Why do people break up with someone and then go and hang out at the spot they knew their ex will most likely be?
7. How come no one has punched Norris in the face yet?
8. Why hasn't anyone told Steve that he looks like a dumb ape when he uses all those facial contortions?
9. Why don't people bring up the past "sins" of others more often when they fight? It happens a little, but nowhere near as much as it probably would in life.
10. Don't people get tired of going into the same spots all the time and seeing the same dull faces each time? I'd have to avoid Rita's at all costs because I'd be worried I'd run into Norris.
Dont ask me... I'm still trying to figure out how the bathrooms manage to push into Ken and Dreary's flat beside the Rovers...'s.... MAGIC!!!! ... inter/multi-dimensional physics that only the likes of Corrie and other TV set designers who swear an allegiance to a secret organization with all kinds of secret handshakes, "wisdom", etc... membership and knowledge transfer is guarded carefully and usually passed down from father to son so as to protect the secret knowledge for all time...
Why does Leanne still work at the Bookies, right next to the vile Peter, who was so so horrible to her with the 'I love Carla now so get lost' scenario and then the more recent denying right to her face that he ever suggested they try again (because Carla was there). Surely St.Ella could provide for her till she found another job?
And why does Leanne think she owns the bookies and why does she think she is Simon's mother and has sole custody of him?
The cars: in the late 1980s there was an episode showing rental garages in the street behind (Rosamond Street??). It showed Jack and Vera keeping their car there.
Rita's money is a mystery. Len might have had a good insurance policy, but she has given a £10,000lump sum to Sally and Kevin, gave the Kabin away and purchased it back again, and gave Ted Sullivan's house and legacy back to his daughter.
To say nothing of the amount she spent in the 1980s and 90s on those big embroidered jumpers.
If Rita has so much $ stashed and can offer 10K to Tina without blinking an eye, why did she kick up such a fuss when Dennis spent a bit of money and bought her some nice things. She acted like they were going to be in the poor house..carrying on.."I can't trust you" routine.
Wasn't she still on the pill a couple of days ago?
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