The previews for Coronation Street are in from ITV super early in the run up to Christmas. And so here we go with a fresh batch of spoilers that we’ll see on screen during the week beginning December 16th.
Roy takes his model railway to show Richard but when he discovers Richard’s a big football fan but is now too ill to attend matches, Roy is thoughtful. He arrives at Richard’s in time to listen to the Weatherfield County match on the radio and gets caught up in Richard’s enthusiasm.
Nina reveals that Richard’s new carer starts tomorrow and Roy promises to be there. He calls at Richard’s and packs Nina off to college, promising to wait in for the new carer. But something happens which means Roy is called away and Nina arrives in time to hear Richard pronounced dead by the paramedics. Nina puts the blame for her dad’s death on Roy. Roy is utterly bereft. Will the two of them ever make up?
Glenda Young
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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Why do the writers dump more heartache on poor Roy who to endure the same sorrow after Hayley's death and on us the viewers shortly after Sinead's death?
Why can't there be happiness on the Street?
Sorry to be blunt, but scriptwriters know full well that watching happiness is boring.
Drama and conflict entertain - but I agree, we don't need another death so soon after Sinead.
I really liked Richard. The actor who played him was fab. Now Roy is stuck with the stroppy Nina!
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