As Roy spends more time round at the flat with Richard how is Nina finding that?
Nina’s just overwhelmed by the fact that this stranger has knocked on the door, with this woman (Carla), and she doesn’t know what to think. Nina’s used to it being just her and Richard, she’s very protective over her dad and although she can come across as rude, in Nina’s defence this random man has just appeared and she doesn’t know what to think. Under normal circumstances I think she’d be really happy for her dad to see them getting on so well but it feels like Roy is taking something away from her. Nina’s life has revolved around her dad while he’s been ill, she’s come to terms with the fact that they haven’t got a lot of time left, and now that time is being shared with this man she doesn’t really know.
Do you think Nina has become quite isolated while she’s been caring for Richard?
She doesn’t have many friends at this moment, she’s stopped going to college to care for her dad, she’s just constantly with him and now Roy has come into the equation she does feel slightly jealous.
Is Nina very overprotective of Richard?
She knows that her dad wants to get to know his brother but that comes at a price, doing more is tiring him out and as soon as that happens Nina panics that it’s going to ruin the last bit of time she has left with him.
Is Nina wary of Roy?
When Roy and Carla first appeared that was weird for Nina, the dynamic between them is quite confusing. But Nina accepts Roy for who he is, she can see he’s got a kind heard but because of that it’s easy for Nina to be quite dominant over him.
What happens on the day that Richard dies?
Roy encourages Nina to go back to college, she doesn’t want to leave her dad because she can see he’s getting worse but Richard and Roy both persuade her to go and that’s when he dies. She gets back to the flat and finds paramedics there and her dad on the floor and it’s just shock at first, she doesn’t know what’s happened and in that moment she’s confused about is this it. She’s been preparing for this for so long but she didn’t think this was how it would happen. Nina hides a lot of her emotions inside and while she’s so upset she’s also numb.
When she discovers that Roy wasn’t there for Richard, how does she feel towards him?
She goes back to spend the night at Roy and Carla’s, she doesn’t want to be alone at that point and it’s the first time that she’s let her guard down, but then she finds out what Roy did. She suddenly thinks it’s all Roy’s fault and the fact that her dad was alone when she’s spent all this time looking after him till now is really upsetting. She’s angry and she storms out.
It becomes apparent Nina’s having trouble with money and her landlord, do you think she will be prepared to ask for Roy’s help or do you think she wants to deal with everything herself?
Nina is very strong minded and has to be very independent. She does want to deal with everything herself at this point, she’s only just met Roy and there’s still some embarrassment there, she doesn’t really know him yet. I also think she doesn’t want to become a burden to him.
Do you think in the future there could be more of a bond between Roy and Nina?
Yeah hopefully, Roy is a lovely genuine person who understands everybody, I think he’ll work to understand Nina but it’s about whether she’ll let her guard down and let him in. Nina hasn’t really given Roy a chance yet to get to know him properly and that would be nice now she’s on her own. Hopefully they can work at it from here.
How are you enjoying working with David Neilson?
I love it, surely I couldn’t have asked for anyone better to work with?! He’s such a great actor and so chilled out, I’m learning so much from him.
Are you enjoying being part of the show now you’re on screen?
Yes I’m loving it, it’s still surreal although now I’m on screen I’m starting to accept that this is where I am now. I’m feeling very lucky.
Glenda Young
Glenda Young
Twitter: @Flaming_Nora
Facebook: GlendaYoungAuthor
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You know what? I like her.
She had this tiny sweet voice that is yet full of spirit. She dresses how she wants and says what she means.
I hope they keep her on.
Sidebar, can’t wait to see her first interaction with the other loudmouths of the street so she can put them in their place...Tracy and Evelyn, I’m looking at you!
Nina works well with Carla. I do hope they keep this character to increase Roy's family. I wish Wayne would come back.
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