After the roof came off the first time (Adam being norty) the factory was re-opened looking much the same. Credit to the powers that be - first Number 3 is given a modern revamp and now the factory has had a real makeover. I cannot capture it all but this first sight was certainly eye-catching. Well done.
Also in Underworld, underworld mastermind Gary Windass has just told Nick that he owns the factory site and is now their landlord. However I really felt that there has been a Dirk shortage in recent months and so wearing a Christmas tree I present Dirk!
Jade has been found and brought back home to the delight of Hope and Ruby but inevitably Evelyn is far from convinced by Jade's inability to find work and housing. Will Evelyn suss it out?
First dose of extra rations this week was Tuesday when Jonathan Harvey found he had to write an episode consisting of Rita sprawled on the floor - but he accepted the challenge and we knew she would be found as we have been promised more of this story through to February. Secondary star of the episode was "Arthur" who seemed totally unmoved by the emotion around him.
"Fairytale of New York" appeared about the same time on BBC1 with Nessa singing the Shane MacGowan part and Rob Brydon singing the Kirsty MacColl part ("Gavin and Stacey"). If anything Robert Preston (above) looked rougher than Shane MacGowan on a bad day having once again (not) slept in the van. It is 19 years since we lost Kirsty and she left such a thumping memory. I wonder if Amy will recall Robert was her father figure for many years?
The episode ends with a "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas" but somehow knowing the Street I very much doubt that all their troubles will be out of sight.
I am sure everyone has already noted Liz's new hairdo - but she also became our favourite Christmas decoration wearing this seasonal outfit. First prize to the member of the wardrobe team that identified this ensemble for Liz.
As she ended the episode in a coma with possible brain damage let us remind ourselves of Shona Platt joshing with David implying that he had left her alone in her hospital bed; it soon becomes clear that she is pulling his leg as he has only been for a toilet visit and had been by her side all night. I wonder how many months before Shona magically recovers from her illness - as Nicola did on Emmerdale when her arm almost magically came right after two and a half years! Perhaps the bump hidden by the hospital over the bed table might explain matters?
To be honest there was not a lot of lighter items on Friday evening (my review should be along later) but finally it seems the team have remembered that Carla cannot drink; Ryan poured a couple of whiskies and Ali challenged Carla drinking hers - which she then pushes across to Michelle to drink. So Robert and Michelle have gone and to be honest Shona is not going to be saying a lot in the near future; indeed she has not been seen much recently anyway.
I had hoped for some fun and lightheartedness over the Christmas period but it was missing this year and I hope that this time next year some cheerful and heartwarming stories will be told as well these were this week.
Written by: Mark Wadlow & Joe Turner (Monday); Jonathan Harvey (Tuesday); Debbie Oates (Wednesday); Alasdair Morrison (Thursday); Sam Holdsworth (Friday)
Directed by: Peter Rose (Monday & Tuesday & Wednesday); Judith Dine (Thursday & Friday)

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
Big disappointment...terrible episode...the whole Christmas thing was gross. They've finally done it...made me fast forward through almost an entire episode (wouldn't have happened a few years back)
Good bye Corrie it's been nice...sniff sniff sniff
I found myself turning the volume off when predictably people burst into song
Hated it with a vengeance
Sorry but wake up script writers.. Same every year
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