Anna collapses and is taken to hospital. Kevin later visits Anna in hospital and tells her it is over as he has to out Jack first.
CHESNEY RUBS DANIEL’S FACE IN IT. Chesney pops the question to Sinead in front of a devastated Daniel. When Sinead apologises for Chesney’s insensitivity Chesney is unnerved and clutching his stomach fakes food poisoning running out of the Bistro saying someone must have tampered with his meal.
ELSEWHERE The arrival of Rana’s brother Imran causes her to think twice about her relationship with Kate when he reveals his marriage is on the rocks.
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Anna supported Kevin emotionally and financially when he was in financial trouble and risked bankruptcy despite being in recovery of her injuries, but he can't be bothered to return the favor. How much time would he have to devote to Jack if his business had gone under and he was forced to be someone else's employee?
Kevin Webster is a suspicious and unreliable character. He whinges and blames when trouble hits his doorstep and can't trust the woman who has supported him in the ways Maricha has noted. Care for Jack? What the little guy who is in the cupboard? Anna's grief and lashing out, screaming with the overwhelm of Gary's death, was totally understandable and well acted. She has been a giver and all that despicable Kevin Webster could do when she was suffering psychologically from her burns was whinge on about his lack of a sex life. Bah! Showing the male at his worst I am afraid. Why? Can we not witness compassion without an agenda?
Yep, Maricha, but sadly, not all relationships are equal. Some people are very selfish. Very often one does more than the other.
Kevin's lack of sympathy is going to be the last straw for Anna. If she survives Phelan's plotting, she'll leave Weatherfield to start a new life with Faye (who will possibly return at some point.) Kevin has never been much of a giver in relationships but it's being exaggerated for Anna's exit story. Whatever Anna's actual exit is, Kevin's behaviour will push her to make extreme decisions.
Why is this character still in the show? He acts like a grumpy old man, he is completely self-involved and a cheater.
Nothing at all against the actor but I wouldn't miss Kevin a bit if he left the show.
Jeanine in Atlanta writes.....
well I'm guess I'm in a small percentage as I am extremely glad that Anna is leaving and Kevin is staying. I never thought that the pairing was a good fit so I'm glad that something will happen to change this. It's time that Kevin found someone who makes him happy although I can't think of anybody right now.
I agree with all the above comments about how despicable Kevin is and would like to add if it was Sally who was in Anna's dire situation,Kevin would be by her side Jack or no Jack!
In fact I would love a storyline in which the lab made a mistake and Jack is Tyrone's son after all and not Kevin's!
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