The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Bethany plans to flee the country with evil Nathan.
Can Mary stop her? It looks like she’s going to give it a try!
As Bethany packs her things at the Platt house to do a runner, Mary calls at the house and sees what’s going on. She’s suspicious and Bethany admits she’s going to start a new life with Nathan.
Mary bars her way and, likening the situation to her own rape, begs Bethany to see that the things Nathan makes her do are wrong. Adamant that Nathan loves her, Bethany bundles Mary out of the way. Mary pleads with her to reconsider but will she listen?
Elsewhere in this storyline, Craig starts to fear that PC Neil is not the man he seems.
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Of course Bethany won't listen. She doesn't listen to her family so she's hardly likely to take any notice of Mary.
And come on Craig, show some initiative!
Bethany's been manipulated and brainwashed by Nathan, so she's hardly ready to see the light. But every person who speaks the truth to her is going to add up to her waking up eventually. Plus, she'll probably realise the horror herself. As for Craig, what can he do yet? He's very young and not even fully trained. It is frustrating because we're watching the story unfold with knowledge of the truth, but the characters have their own pace to follow.
Even if Mary is pushed away now, good on her for trying!
Bethany thinks she knows it she will listen to no one. She is ultimately going to save herself...if she is saved...because she thinks she knows everything! I nearly died when she compared her relationship with Nathan to Sarah's with Gary. What a short memory she has of how Gary did not take advantage of her when she offered herself to him.
For me, the most interesting aspect of this story now is just what it will be that makes Craig start to wonder about PC Neil. And of course, ultimately, what he does about it.
I like Mary. She marches to her own drum and the actress who plays her has added a great depth to the character. I hope Bethany listens to her.
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