Aidan smashes his phone to show much he really cares for Maria. They go up to Aidan and Eva's flat for a bit of owsyerfarver, only for Eva to return from France as St Stella has got back together with her fella. Eva confesses to Leanne that her period is late and she goes to the chemist to get a pregnancy test. Whilst she is waiting for the test to work, she happens to look at the TV, to which Aidan's hooked up his tablet and she sees messages between the crimper and her beau. Not only have they been sleeping together but in the messages, Aidan says that he loves Maria. Eva storms 'round Maria's but leaves before she can pull out Maria's highlights, and somewhere between the salon flat and bumping into Aidan, carrying a bottle of wine, she changes her mind about how to deal with the gruesome twosome. She tells Aidan she is pregnant and they hug but neither of them look very happy. I'm very much looking forward to Eva's Vengeance. Evengeance, if you will.
Phelan's all dressed up and tells Eileen that it's to meet a potential client. You can tell Pat's lying because his lips are moving. He wants to impress Nicola, but unfortunately he's in the process of holding Seb by the throat against the chicken wire when she turns up to invite the young offender to a talk in Liverpool. Phelan tags along, and instead of going to the Liver Building or the Beatles Museum, they go on a tour of Phelan's old haunts and he tells Nicola about his awful dad and his travels and travails since leaving Liverpool. He also tells her that she reminds him of the love of his life, who dumped him, whilst Nicola has the grace to look a bit awkward. I wonder if she's carrying a DNA test in her handbag.
Michelle's pretty keen on getting her feet under the reclaimed-wood tables at the Bistro and suggests that she buy into the restaurant with her divorce settlement, an offer that Robert turns down. He might want to share his bed with Michelle, but not his business, which is a wise choice, given the state of her terrible wedding business. He tells her that wants to go it alone and buy out Nick from Nick's Bistro (will he rename it Robert's Refreshments?) Michelle takes this well by acting like a stroppy mare and then flirting with Will, who I have to say is looking mighty fine in his Clark Kent-style specs. Her main complaint is that Steve obeyed her and Robert doesn't. Yawn. Michelle is mighty annoying.
Dev's setting up a pop up shop in the front room complete with plastic fly curtain whilst D&S Alahan's has a refurb. It's good to see Dev again as hasn't been on the cobbles for a while, but he seems to have saved up a few months of acting for his current scenes. Kev offers to babysit the AAs so that Dev can take Erica to the Weatherfield Traders' Association dinner. He is feeling guilty for The Kiss, although not feeling any remorse re: his fight with Anna, who is apologetic to Kevin, but not to Fay(e) who is both grounded and phoneless.
And finally, Daniel got a Desmond (2.2) in his exams so he's staying in the Bistro, not going to Oxford. Robert's keeping an eye on him, but has other problems, with the return of Rich the dealer. Drugs are bad, m'kay?
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter.

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I felt like smashing the tv screen when we heard Phelan's back story. So, however many years after his arrival, we get Phelan's history. Ah, poor kid, he had a sadistic father and that's why he turned out bad. Nicola reminds him of the love of his life but surely she couldn't be the daughter. Actually, I don't even care. It's far too late for his character to increase in dimensions. I do not like being manipulated. Just awful. On the plus side, Eva was great.
OK, so where did Phelan get the black eye? Someone must've thumped the actor it seems in real life and they've just written it in rather than hide it.
Not that anyone cares, Phelan can get battered black and blue and it wouldn't matter.
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