So previously in my blogging life I covered the residences of Weatherfield and who lives where, you can find them in two handy posts here and here. Anyway, I've decided to cover businesses now, since a lot of new employees have appeared in the last few months.
Rovers Return Inn
The ownership of the Rovers is currently up in arms! Liz and Steve McDonald are landlord and landlady, though Steve's wife Michelle wants Steve to sell the pub in the divorce settlement. Sean Tully and Eva Price work shifts here behind the bar when they're not sewing knickers at Underworld, and Sean doubles up as pub chef, serving up Betty's hotpot. Sarah-Louise Platt and Toyah Battersby also pull pints at the Rovers, but who will be the new name above the door this summer? Kate Oates has teased new owners at the pub. It's also worth mentioning that Anna Windass is following in Hilda Ogden's footsteps as cleaner.
D&S Alahan's
At the other side of the street is just one small part of Dev Alahan's empire of corner shops. Does Dev still own all of those other shops like he used to? Anyway, D&S Alahan's is probably his favourite as he lives just four doors away. The current shop assistants are Dev's girlfriend Erica Holroyd (though probably not for much longer) and Cathy Matthews.
Nick's Bistro
Robert Preston and Nick Tilsley were at the helm of this fancy restaurant on Viaduct Street, though Nick's selling his half now that he's ran off and left Robert in the lurch. Rivals Leanne Battersby and Michelle Connor are the manageresses and Zeedan Nazir is sous chef. Kate Connor and Daniel Osbourne are waiters at the bistro, and Gail Rodwell cleans here.
Webster's Autocentre
If I were Tyrone Dobbs I'd be a bit miffed at the fact that only Kevin Webster's name is above the shutters at the garage. They each own 50%, and have recently extended premises through the back into an archway on Viaduct Street (although it was gutted by a fire soon after). Luke Britton is a mechanic here.
The Kabin
Rita Tanner's pride and joy since 1973, she's still very much in charge at the newsagents since she signed it over to her shop assistant Norris Cole in 2009. Mary Taylor and Jenny Bradley have covered shifts in the shop in recent years.
The Connor's have ruled the roost in the knicker factory for many years, and it is currently owned by Carla Connor (60%) and her father Johnny Connor (40%) though Johnny is much more in charge now that Carla has moved to Devon. His son Aidan is factory manager, and is training Alya Nazir to be his assisting manageress now that she's a partner in the vintage range of underwear, much to the annoyance of Sally Metcalfe who is just a supervisor after many years of work in the factory. Sean Tully, Beth Sutherland, Fiz Stape, Eva Price, Izzy Armstrong, Sinead Tinker, Gina Seddon and Jenny Bradley are all machinists, with Jenny managing the new mastectomy bra range. Kirk Sutherland works in the packaging department.
Audrey's Salon
Audrey Roberts has had her hair salon opposite the Rovers since 1998, buying it from Fiona Middleton. Audrey had previously operated a salon in the front room of No. 11 Coronation Street when she lived there. She employs grandson David Platt and friend Maria Connor as stylists. Granddaughter-in-law Kylie Platt was the salon's first nail technician prior to her death last year.
Preston's Petals
When Barlow's Bookies closed it seemed like this shop really lost it's purpose. The pawn shop that replaced it, Barlow's Buys, was such an obscure choice of business and it never really found its feet. Tracey Barlow has revamped the shop and it's now called Preston's Petals, supplying Interflora bouquets and arrangements to the people of Weatherfield with help from Mary Taylor.
Rosamund St. Medical Centre
The medical centre on Rosamund Street replaced the derelict Graffiti Club back in 2000 and is now the go to place for non-emergencies. The medical professionals that work there are nurse Rana Nazir and Dr. Gaddas.
For Your Fries Only
Nobody currently works here, though it was once the workplace of Cilla Battersby-Brown and her friend Yana Lumb.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this and now have a better clue as to who works where! I'll cover the rest in the second post coming later in the week.
You can find me on Twitter @MichaelAdamsUk

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I thought Sophie left the garage to work on Tim's window cleaning business?
what about the Kebab Shop and Roy's Rolls? and Streetcars
Does Preston's Petals really supply Interflora bouquets? I hadn't noticed!
Re read last paragraph
Great write up - but I agree with a previous poster, I thought Sophie gave up her job at the garage after finding out Kevin was in financial trouble.
hah..! now you mention it... i hadn't either!
Carla moved to Seaton in Devon not Cornwall! :)
Also, does Cathy still work at De Dev's? I thought she worked at the. Kebab shop now?
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