"Have some self respect!"
"Says the woman who did it on top of a bus shelter?"
Hiya! It’s just Jordan with my fiery thoughts on this week’s
Friday episodes. Oh yes, on Friday we were treated to two episodes which were
an utter hotchpotch of ridiculous catastrophe, comedy and
downright weird ending. I’ve been
putting off writing this review til now because I just didn’t have the energy
to humorously whinge about our favourite Street. But I’m here now, ready to
recap, review and rant.
Daniel bumps into Sinead and begs her for a chance to talk.
He feels guilty and laments to his five-minute ex-girlfriend that none of his
family are speaking to him, apart from his dad of course. He later pesters her yet again in the pub, at
which point her other ex, Chesney (who is pretty much reunited with Sinead by
the end of the episode) steps in and tells Daniel to clear off. Rejected by just about everyone, Daniel slopes
off to wait tables at the Bistro where the most bitter Barlow of them all, the
Wicked Witch of Weatherfield just happens to be holding an employee lunch at
the Bistro with her (only) Employee of the Month, Mary. Tracy wastes no time in
throwing daggers at Daniel when he tries taking her order. Just prior to this
is when the episode took the next right onto Abomination Street. Two dealers turned up at the Bistro, wondering
if Robert would like any drugs. Now, this is apparently a dark secret of Robert’s
past, but come off it! If I am wrong, do correct me, but to the best of my
knowledge, this dark secret has never even been hinted at. Not every character
should have a dark secret just because you want to shoehorn a storyline aspect
into an already overcrammed plot. Anyway, just after a verbal bashing from
Tracy, the tragic would-be Oxford student snaps at his sister, labelling her an
evil bitch and storms out of work.
Obviously wanting to hide his face, he goes all the way down
the Street to the Rovers and knocks back a pint and a half. Liz refuses to
serve the lightweight anymore and he leaves before bumping into the
aforementioned drug dealers, waggling his way into some cocaine and GHB . He
tells the dealers that it is for Robert and he goes through it like a packet of
sherbet. The scene in his flat was
especially awkward. We were subjected to a load of weird shots with Daniel
headbanging along to some rock music, with shots jumping about all over the
place. The bizarre rave blares its way onto the Street, alerting the attention
of Adam. Around this time, the dealers turn up at the Bistro demanding payment
from a clueless Robert. This leaves Adam
and Robert to find Daniel passed out and hurl him graciously into the back of
the Bistro van. After the typical hospital scene with that beep beep soundtrack
throughout, Daniel wakes up from his cocaine binge all better. They used that
age old excuse of “You got off lightly this time” and Daniel discharges
himself. I am more likely to understand Pythagoras’s Theorem than what the
point of this daft melodrama was.
Todd and Billy are all set to meet Summer, their prospective
adoptive daughter. Her dying dad Drew is
bringing her later that day to meet the men who will hopefully become her
guardians. But when Todd gets a call from an agency offering him some work, the
plans for the big meeting are thrown into disarray and Billy is left to attend
alone. As we know, Todd is not particularly keen on the idea of taking on the
child of Billy’s dying ex. Who can blame him? Anyway, this leaves Billy to go
alone to meet Drew and Summer, who appears to be a charming little girl. She has
the grace of the Queen and the intelligence of Matilda (which, coincidentally
is the name of the brilliant young actress who plays her). However, I couldn’t help but
think she seems remarkably cheery for someone whose dad is suffering from a
terminal illness. Billy is so enchanted by Summer, he gives Drew his word that
he and Todd will take Summer when he passes away., without consulting Todd.
What a stupid move! Todd is understandably furious.
"What's that you're making?"
"It's called karakuri"
"Oh Japanese? As in origami?"
"Yeah, only it has moving parts"
The “posse” turn up at the flat - Gemma somehow managing to abandon her kebab
serving duties – and, along with Rita give a Beyoncé-style empowerment commentary
over Jonny’s grovelling. It would seem that girls do run the world, as Jenny
takes the advice of her posse and rejects him once and – apparently – for all. As
well as all this, Alya and Kate are evicted from their flat by Liz since they’re
selling the pub but conveniently manage to find a new one on the Street within
hours. Oh, and Bethany was paid a visit by Neil, who is slowly but surely
giving her information on Nathan’s plans to take her abroad. One thing I would
like to put forth about the whole Bethany saga is – for all the good that it is
doing with the overall message, surely the ridiculous twist of the police being
involved in the sex ring is to the detriment of it all? Is it really teaching
people not to trust the police? Just some food for thought.
But to end this review on a positive note: the saving graces
of this episode were Barbara Knox as Rita and Dolly-Rose Campbell as Gemma, a
pair who never fail to light up any episode they appear in. One thing about Corrie is that you can always rely on it for some brilliant comedy which sparkles on screen. So it's not all bad; I guess I'm just a whingey bitch!
As always
Thanks for reading!
If they think the Bethany story's overall message will affect people and make them aware, then why wouldn't people also think the police being a part of it means don't trust the police?
It's not like they put a disclaimer saying all of this happens in real life, except the police thing, that's just fake for ratings and controversy.
I am so sick of this storyline. It has been overdone. The Corrie people are promoting this like it's a Pulitzer Prize winner.
As far as I'm concerned, they boggled it.
The only people who are making this point are people BTL on this blog, curiously I have not seen one child protection charity complain about this.
I have to agree with you that having a corrupt copper as part of the Bethany story line has really done it a world of harm. The message is be suspicious of cops, be afraid of authority figures. It's unfortunate that Corrie chooses to depict the police either as idiots are creeps. Craig is such a lovely bloke and his character is so well suited to being a real police officer. I hope he brings a change in the way the writers depict this profession. I have to also agree with you that I'm tired of Bethany and her plight.
They can't complain about it.They linked their charities' good names with Corrie by letting it claim the storyline was meant to educate and thus give a larger voice to their cause. At that point there was no sign of Neil yet. Raising concern about that twist would now undermine not just Corrie's storyline but them for pre-approving it without actually knowing what would happen.
If you recommended someone for a job and they fell short in some tasks, would you rush in to denounce them knowing it would remind everyone that you got them hired in the first place?
Better to play nice and hope for the best.
Great review! I think the point of the Daniel episode, apart from to show how he's so messed up is to get Sinead's attention again. Chesney saw him being carted off but didn't tell her. I can hear her now, whinging "why didn't you tell me Ches", followed by the realisation that she does love Daniel after all. Maybe!
I agree with you about the police thing btw.
People will remember the parts of the Bethany story that are most relevant to their situation. If you have a deep worry about going to the police - perhaps you've been in trouble with them before eg: Gemma instead of Bethany - the Neil element doesn't help one bit. It really doesn't work for the actors and producer to repeatedly say the villains will get their come-uppance. What matters is *how* they get it. Nathan could go to prison or David could push him in the canal; it's a sticky end either way, and good riddance. Neil is different. He must be seen to be punished by the legal system. If Nathan arranges his death or he commits suicide in a blazing car smash, that will not encourage victims to trust the police. No matter how boring it might be on screen, Neil's end must be a satisfactorily long spell in prison.
hah, good sinead imitation, i've got that image stuck in my head now!
I have to disagree with you about Rita and Gemma, I didn't like them sticking their oars in at all. Wasn't clever and wasn't funny. I think Gemma has ballsed-up other people's love lives, I wish she would give it a rest. She's now cocked up Jenny & Johnny's lives.
Great review, Jordan. You are funny, but you also shoot from the hip, and I appreciate your honesty.
If this show were really honest, not only would it show Neil going to prison, but it would also show what happens to bent coppers when they ARE is prison. Not pretty, so they often have to be put in solitary confinement.
@Maricha do you seriously that is going to stop a charity complaining? Charities like Childline do not have the authority to approve or veto the storyline.
After he attempted to kill Ken and got away with it,what did Daniel expect a group hug from the rest of his family?!They have every right to be angry ant him and Ken too I may ad for not pressing charges against Daniel but was willing to see his other children and oldest grandson go to jail for it.
Along with Bethany's storyline,Daniel's storyline is getting on my nerves too!
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