After the fall-out from Daniel's meltdown, Sinead moved out of the flat he shares with Adam, and back in with Chesney. It's certainly looking like Sinead and Chesney might be getting back together again - but should they?
Is Sinead the right girl for Ches? Is Ches the right boy for her?
I don't think so. She's too flighty for him, I feel, and he needs someone more reliable and solid.
But with the upcoming bloodbath in the Bistro next week in which Chesney gets stabbed and carted off to hospital, could things change between them, I wonder. And will Chesney in hospital bring out Sienad's more caring side?
It's all supposition at the moment but if these two get back together again, I'll be saddened to see it, for Chesney's sake more than Sinead's. He deserves someone better, someone who won't go running off again.
What do you reckon?
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Chesney want's Sinead back even though she got bored with him and shacked up with someone else? He tossed his last girlfriend and mother of his kid, out the door because she had a small kiss with another guy. He's an idiot. No they shouldn't get back together.
But if he gets someone as reliable as he is, they'll be deadly boring together. You need someone with a bit of spark to give Chesney that push he needs. I chuckled at the above comment. I guess Chesney has matured and learned that one small kiss isn't something to break up a relationship with a child involved. True infidelity, yes that's a bigger issue. And even then, he wants her back!
That's true but Sinead has no spark and she can't give anyone the push they need including herself.
Sinead should do the right thing and move out of Chesney's house. She's giving him hope. She should move somewhere else - Antarctica, for example.
They are dull as dishwater together, it's time for them to move on. Wouldn't an interesting twist to all of it be Sinead and Adam? Or Chesney and Eva?
Is it 'dishwater' or 'ditchwater'? I see both so often...
Sinead had spark until she started dating Ches, he had an off screen job at the market that seemed to make him happ, but somehow 2+2=0. He needs a better job (and a new dog), she needs to get back to crafting but don't put them back together. Honestly, even though she's a little old for him, there's more spark for him with Gemma. Maybe go there, slowly.
Ches is boring beyond belief. He is a one dimensional character, when he tries to act tough he just looks ridiculous. Sorry to say this, but he has to go.
I don't want Chesney and Sinead to get back together,she messed him about once before with Aidan [drunken pass]and then Daniel and I don't like her using him as a stopgap because things didn't work out with Daniel after all.
Considering the somewhat abusive upbringing he had at hands of his mother Cilla,I don't find Chesney 'boring'but responsible and mature beyond his years which is a nice change.
Agree. He's one of the nicer characters and balances out the moronic antics of men like Steve, Adam and Nick.
I think he keeps going back for more with Sinead because he got used to having her around and he grew up being similarly dropped for supposedly better things by Cilla.
He needs to break that pattern, get better career prospects and find someone who is truly as reliable as he is.
hah, i can't say i disagree with you there!
I couldn't say it better than the 'boring as dishwater' comment upthread. Don't want to see Sinead and Chesney get back together. Chesney is a slug and him getting stabbed isn't going to make me like the character more. Let him make a match with Gemma. Sinead needs to make a life on her own - move out.
Fizz was all over Sinead at the fac-tree at how she treated Chesney. How come she hasn't been hammering at the door screeching that she's now staying with him?
No offence to the actor, but the Chesney character is like a walking sleeping pill.
Truly boring and really should be written out of the show.
His only redeeming quality is his "tough guy" act, which is truly comedic.
".....walking sleeping pill - hilarious. Sinead had lots of spark until she started going out with Chesney. They bring out the worst in each other.
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