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Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Coronation Street Blog Interview with Catherine Tyldesley

“She wants to take him for everything he’s got. She wants him to hurt”
Cath Tyldesley on Eva’s reaction to Aidan’s affair
Hiya! It’s just Jordan with another Corrie cast interview from the recent press day. This time, it’s with the fabulous Catherine Tyldesley who plays Eva Price. As one of my favourite characters currently treading the cobbles, I was very much looking forward to listening to the lady who brings her to life so well.
The interview centred upon the current love triangle. Unlike Eva, we all know that her fiancé Aidan is having an affair with that salon slapper Maria. However, time is ticking and pretty soon the fiery blonde will find out just what Aidan has been up to when she’s not been looking. Viewers should expect explosions and Cath wasted no time in teasing what’s to come when Eva the Diva is unleashed:
“It’s quite extreme…! She very much reverts back to Eva the Diva, which is great because when I first came into Coronation Street, she was a very fiery person. It’s nice to see her come back to that. She is quite extreme with the way she reacts. I don’t think I would have done those things personally but for me as an actor, it’s brilliant to play!”
Cath went on to explain that Eva is, naturally, upset and angry and the fact that Maria is her first best friend after the death of Kylie just rubs salt in the wound. Cath herself is hoping for her first proper Corrie catfight to come out of this. Interestingly, Eva finds out about the affair some time before taking any action. She doesn’t do the age-old thing of yelling, screaming and throwing clothes out of an upstairs window. It’s a proper revenge plot and according to Cath, Maria should be scared.
When teasing exactly how Eva will find out about naughty Aidan, Cath kept her cards very close to her chest. But she did enthusiastically promise that it’s a good reveal:
“It’s the best find-out ever!”
However, Eva will get through this bunny boiler stage, with the help of Toyah and Leanne – a dynamic Cath described as lovely. Interestingly, Cath also mentioned that Adam Barlow is to become a supportive face for Eva. However, don’t be misled into thinking that Adam will be Eva’s new squeeze; Eva will have very little time for men during her mad revenge plot.
“When I’m reading scripts, I’m cringing at what she’s doing. But it’s wonderful. Very Eva”
“She’s gonna come out of this stronger. It’s what Corrie do best – writing strong, feisty women”
But in typical Corrie style, Eva will suffer yet another blow only a week after finding out that Aidan is having an affair.
She’s pregnant.
This will have obvious emotional ramifications for the bubbly blonde, but as the conversation soon moved to how Eva will rock maternity wear – and how Cath will rock the bump – it would seem that Eva, like Madonna, is keeping her baby.
Veering away from the love triangle gossip, Cath began to spoke of Eva’s career potential. She pointed out that Eva’s focus in life has always been to have a boyfriend, not a career. Maybe now is the time to change that. Cath can see Eva having a business venture; something like a mobile tanning salon. What do you think? I think that’s a fantastic idea! However, my favourite little titbit to come out of this interview was the origin of Eva’s laugh:
“A girl that I went to drama school with was an opera singer and she had a laugh that was quite similar. Eva’s is like a very heightened version of that”
A very interesting chat and I for one cannot wait to see Eva the Diva unleashed on the cobbles once again.
As always,
Thanks for reading!
Twitter: @JordanLloyd39

All original work on Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License

1 comment:

amanda50 said...

I enjoyed reading this, thank you.I love the character of Eva and Cath plays her to perfection, really looking forward to watching this storyline unfold.


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