Eva's plan of revenge against Aidan begins! Let the fun start now. Find out what's going on right here.
Think that Nathan's evil grooming storyline is over? Think again. The Platts reel from shock news from the cops about Nathan. Find out more here.
As Erica and Kev continue to get cosy, is it too late for Anna to try to win him back? Find out more here.
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Can Todd and Billy do right by Drew and look after Summer? Drew's funeral takes place too. Find out what else happens here.
Adam begins to blackmail Aidan. But why and what's he going to do with the cash? Find out here.
Eileen finds a stash of old love letters that Phelan's been hiding. She's so paranoid about them that Phelan threatens to call the cops. What's going on here then? Find out more!
Meanwhile, over at the Bistro, there's money laundering going on - but that's not all. Chesney's caught up in the Bistro bloodbath! Find out more on the money laundering and Chesney's stabbing.
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What on earth would attract Erica to Kevin ??
I am not a fan of Anna's but if I knew her I'd tell her to let Kevin go, nothing compelling about keeping him around.
I do hope Summer gets a big say in who she ends up living with and if she doesn't want to live with her all-but-stranger godfather then I hope that's respected.
Anyone who ends up with Kevin hasn't won anything.
I don't think Kevin or Anna have many redeeming qualities as partners....they kinda deserve each other, but if they split up I don't think anyone is going to care either.
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