Next week in Coronation Street, sad news reaches Billy when he finds out that his pal Drew has died.
The news comes in just as Billy and Todd start to bond with Drew’s daughter Summer and even Todd finds himself warming to the child.
Summer even tells Billy and Todd that she knows Drew is lining them up to be her guardians and they’re moved by her bravery. But after Drew dies, his mother Geraldine arrives. She calls at No.11 and informs Billy and Todd they are not welcome at Drew’s funeral and must never contact Summer again.
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In a case like this, solicitors dealing with the will, other executors of the will, a court social worker representing Summer would all be involved. Any social worker would soon see Drew's mother off.
I'm not so sure it will be easily settled. Billy is on again, off again as a vicar. Todd is unemployed. The Bishop sure won't let Billy move Todd and Summer into the vicarage to be a family, so where would they live and with what money could they afford it?
Drew may have made his wishes for Summer clear but a child isn't an object you can leave to people regardless of their living conditions. Drew's mother is probably acting out of bigotry but people don't lose custody for being narrow-minded.
As things stand, unless Drew's mother's life is even more unstable than Billy and Todd's, a social worker would side with the grandmother over a godfather who was a virtual stranger to the child.
What Maricha said.
Jeanie (anon)
We don't know yet if Drew has a chance to set up guardian arrangements before he dies, but this is just the stuff that ugly custody disputes are made of. One person is given guardianship of a child but a close relative challenges and tries to overturn the arrangement. Makes perfect sense to me and seems like a pretty plausible story line. Throwing homophobia into the mix just makes it that much more believable because people will go to the greatest lengths when motivated by bigotry, spite, and ignorance--"oh, I wasn't able to save my son, but I've got to protect my grandchild from those gays!" Not crazy about Todd and Billy, but I'm glad the writers are giving them a solid story line that will test them as a couple and individuals.
Given that Billy and Todd are essentially strangers to Summer and we don't yet know of the relationship between Summer and her grandmother, it might be plausible that granny would step up and want to raise her grandchild. It's unfortunate that this story line is being played from a homophobic slant rather than the position of pondering who is the most suitable guardian for the child based on individual circumstances and their relationship with her.
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