It is the
very worst of betrayals – a best friend and a fiancé – cheating with each other
behind your back. There are various ways that a person can find out about this
betrayal, but to have the proof brought to you via a large TV screen, in the
flat where you live with your fiancé, both betrayers messaging about how they feel
about each other, how they just avoided getting caught, phew, and how they can’t
wait to be together again.
Then, very
shortly afterwards, you are face to face with your ‘best friend’ but you can’t
say anything because her young son is there and you are still sufficiently
sensitive to know that it wouldn’t be right to release your emotions on his
mother in his presence. It registers with you that when your 'friend' was in difficulty, you looked after her son regularly.
Your sense
of betrayal is overwhelming. You thought these people loved you or at least
cared about you. They do the dirty, right behind your back. How will you ever trust
anyone ever again?
While all
this is going on, you also suspect that you are pregnant by the man you love and who has betrayed you – you are 3 days late and
you are usually like clockwork. Thank goodness, your sister is there to offer
some solace.
You try to
be yourself in front of your fiancé and you don’t let on that you know about
the affair. You show him the positive pregnancy test – you confirm with him
that it’s good news, right? He confirms that it is…
Eva played a
blinder tonight! She behaved very differently from how I thought she would. Her
controlled fury was bubbling underneath but somehow, she managed to contain
herself. Pretty impressive!
We’ve seen
the trailers. We know she buys an expensive car and puts it on his credit card–
but we will have to wait until Friday to see how it all unravels.
By Ruth Owen, twitter: @ruth1722

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Do we think the test Eva showed Alden was the first, possibly false, positive and she is not really pregnant ?
I'm thinking so!
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