Antony Cotton, who plays Coronation Street's Sean Tully, has been speaking to The Express about a potential exit story for his character.
"I literally want to come to work one day, however old I am, drop dead at work, cart me off, fine, gone. Just drop dead on set and let them deal with it, because it won't be any worry of mine will it. "They'll have no choice," he laughed.
He also said that while he loves his job at Corrie, he's been the same throughout his entire working-life.
"I want to work, I want to drop dead at work. I can't think of anything worse. I know it's different strokes for different folks, I'm not going down the pit and I realise it's not that, but I love my job, I've worked since I was a kid," he explained.
Antony also shared his fears about his luck running out and recognised the opportunities he's been fortunate enough to have throughout his career.
"If I have a week off work where I'm not in the schedule, I go mad. I appreciate that 90% of actors are out of work 90% of the time,” he said.
"It's one thing being over-worked and doing too many hours etc. But it's a whole other kettle of fish and a whole other set of problems if you're just never in work. I mean I can't think of anything worse."
Antony is busy supporting SSAFA - the Armed Forces charity that he is ambassador for - as they are busy getting its annual Big Brew Up campaign underway this month.
"The Big Brew Up is about people coming together, sitting round a table having a chat and having a brew. I think it's important because it's about families, not necessarily blood relatives but families which you’re a part of and I'm very lucky I have three. I've got my own, I’ve got my Coronation Street family and I've got my military family," he added.
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What's with the uniform? He looks great in it!
It says in the article, he supports an Armed Forces charity, hence the uniform.
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