MARY IS BETHANY’S ONLY HOPE Sarah heads out leaving Bethany to look after Harry. Bethany’s upset to think she may never see him again but continues to pack her things, only panicking when she can’t find her passport. Mary calls at No.8 and, spying Bethany’s holdall, is suspicious. Bethany admits she’s going to start a new life with Nathan. Mary bars her way and, likening the situation to her own rape, begs Bethany to see that the things Nathan makes her do are wrong. Adamant that Nathan loves her, Bethany bundles Mary out of the way. As she waits on the street for Nathan, Mary pleads with her to reconsider. As Nathan pulls up will Bethany get into his car?
BILLY AND TODD ENJOY SUMMER TIME Drew drops Summer off with Billy and Todd, explaining he hasn’t told Summer about their plan yet as he’d like her to get to know them first. As they chat over lunch, will Todd find himself warming to Summer?
HAS KEVIN FOUND THE ANSWER? Kevin quizzes Rana about Anna’s medication and is interested to find out that a low libido is one of the side effects.
ELSEWHERE Daniel thanks Adam for being there for him and promises that he’s going to get some therapy. Tyrone’s jealous of Fiz’s friendship with antiques specialist Kim, especially when he suggests Fiz look at doing the antiques course herself.
BETHANY GOES MISSING Mary bursts into the Rovers and reveals to Sarah that Bethany’s run off with Nathan. As Nathan explains to Bethany that he’s driving to Hull to set sail for Belgium, Bethany’s forced to confess she has no passport. As he phones a contact to sort a new passport, Bethany’s alarmed to discover she’s going to Belgium alone while Nathan lays low from the police for a while longer. When Bethany quizzes him about his plans for her, Nathan snaps at her to stop asking questions. Sarah’s frantic with worry despite the police’s assurances that they will do all they can to trace Nathan, who has broken his bail conditions. But will they find Bethany before it’s too late?
TODD AND BILLY FALL AT THE FIRST HURDLE When Summer admits to Billy and Todd that she knows Drew is lining them up to be her guardians they’re moved by her bravery. But when Summer hears Todd joking about sending her to a kids’ home (he’s actually come round to the idea) she’s deeply hurt. But before they can address Summer’s sudden coolness towards them, news arrives that Drew has been rushed into hospital where he has died. Summer dissolves into tears as Drew’s mother arrives.
KEVIN CAN’T WIN WITH ANNA Kevin researches Anna’s medication online and prints off some information. Meanwhile Anna catches Faye, Phelan and Nicola arriving back with Seb from prison. As Faye and Seb steal a kiss, Anna storms over and rants at Faye for disobeying her. How will Faye respond?
ELSEWHERE Tyrone accuses Kim of having designs on Fiz.
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I'm not sure if I missed something, but why wouldn't Summer live with Drew's parents, her Grandparents, rather than strangers?
This isn't a very realistic storyline. Billy is Summer's godparent. Sometimes there are two though presumably not in this case. Their job is only to oversee the child's welfare in the event of both parents' deaths. It doesn't mean they have to take on the role of carer. Billy could allow Summer to live with her grandparents but, for the sake of this storyline, Billy fell in love with her. Who are the executors of Drew's will as they will also be obliged to make sure Summer is well cared for. Official guardianship requires legal input and a court social worker's involvement. So, Zagg, you didn't miss anything. The writers jumped several steps.
Apparently the reason Drew didn't want his parents to raise Summer is because they're homophobic. Understandable.
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