Debbie Rush is doing a wonderful job as Street shrew Anna Windass in Coronation Street.
But has Anna gone too far and could she ever be redeemed, I wonder? I do hope so, I always liked Anna when she was with Eddie, and her relationship with Gary is superb. But if she's not careful, Anna is going to push everyone away from her, not just pushing Kevin into Erica's arms.
The Shakespeare play Taming of the Shrew is described by the RSC as this: "Shakespeare’s comedy about a prank on the local drunk, intertwined relationships and the dramatic transformation of an ill-tempered woman."
Well, Anna certainly is that ill-tempered woman. She was ill-tempered and nasty even before David Platt set fire to her and she went on anti-depressants and lost her libido. On which note, she and Kevin were never a good match, in my books.
Do you think Anna could - or should - be redeemed? Do you want her to keep Kevin or dump him like a pot of garage gunk?
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I think coronation street writers are missing an opportunity here if Anna is still struggling to come to terms with the scars from her burns then as well as anti depressants shouldn't she speak to others in the same situation. Thus highlighting this situation for viewers who may feel the same.
I can't think of a time when I have felt that I've liked Anna. Her constant shrieking at people, and occasions such as turning against Roy when he hit Gary when he broke into the café, and trying to bully Faye into keeping Miley, have made her very unpleasant. Nothing against Debbie's acting though. Script writers, please write something happy into her life!
I liked Anna when she was married to Eddie, when she looked at moving to Coronation Street as a good omen. No wonder the woman is nuts! Look at the past couple of years of misery and woe, it's almost more than a woman can take. As for Kevin? There's never been a problem with his libido, just look at the times when he should have been supportive and sympathetic (Sally's mom's death for instance) but no-the selfish twit can only think of himself. He's betrayed the woman he professes to love (with her friend no less)*sigh* when the going gets tough, Kev gets going.
My main criticism of Anna is her martyrdom. Nobody made her sleep with Phelan. She should have allowed Gary to face the consequences of his actions. She should also have pushed Gary to have in-depth counselling instead of assuming she could solve his problems with hugs and fry-ups. Anna has never had a female friend to go out with. Her whole social life revolves around her family which means she's never learnt to bite her lip or lose a friend. I had hoped that she and Kevin would make a great family, bringing up Faye and Jack together. Doesn't seem to be going that way.
Granted Anna can be a shrew but fro I also remember the good friend she was to Roy after Hayley's death.
Anna is going through a terrible time recovering from her injuries and worried about Fay who already had a baby and is now seeing Seb [who assaulted the father of her baby]behind her back and has a unsupportive boyfriend whom she bailed out of bankruptcy with her compensation money from David and in return,Kevin kisses his friend's girlfriend while Anna is babysitting his son from another extra-marital affair!No wonder Anna is losing it!
It seems me Bethany and Anna should be speaking with one another, about having been manipulated into rape. Leanne should also be speaking to them about her experiences as an escort and lingering feelings of lack of self worth that do not disappear during the ad breaks but stay with a person all of their lives. Writers should be using these plots to shape characters rather than just flavor of the month issue awareness. If we understood Anna we would not be concerned wether we liked her or not despite the things she has done or not done.
The writers should have Anna and Kevin work things out. Can't really blame the guy for slipping with Erica when Anna's been pushing him away for months. Kevin's self esteem must be taking a hit from Anna's lack of interest. I too thought they'd make a nice family on the street for once. Hard working, loving parents, good friends. But instead the Bethany storyline, Nick storyline and Ken storylines have pushed a possible wonderful character family to the curb.
Jeanie (anon)
have never been a huge fan of Anna, but in her defence, she's extremely hard-working, generous to a fault, and completely loyal to her family, even if she is often stupid and/or unsophisticated in the way she shows it. I don't think she's a shrew, just a woman who's had a lot of hard luck.
Liked her best with Owen--they seemed like a good match, physically and temperament-wise, plus the two actors worked well together. She was great with his two daughters and granddaughter too, which he clearly appreciated. Her relationship with Kevin has become very dreary, tedious, and the two always look awkward together, very stiff.
I think Anna and Kevin are a good couple. Anna deserves a good guy and she can get Kevin to change his cheating ways.
I agree. The writers have gone very in depth with Bethany's storyline, shining a huge spotlight on a real issue. Why aren't they doing the same with Anna? It's a missed opportunity.
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