I've been loving the interaction this week between David and Gail as David was encouraged by Sarah to let Gail move back into the house. And it's started me thinking about David and Gail's relationship, which almost drove me insane with its complexities. But there's one thing that both David and his mum Gail have in common and it's that everyone they get involved with, and care about, dies on them.
Let's take a look.
As we know, Gail's got a whole pile of dead husbands. There was Brian (whom she married twice) who got stabbed outside of a nightclub. Then there was Martin Platt, who is David's dad, and is still very much alive. After Martin came Richard Hillman (dead), Joe McIntyre (dead) and Michael Rodwell (very dead).
And for David, the two women he's fallen for over the years have ended up dead too - Tina and Kylie.
I'd go as far to say that with Gail and David's relationship, not only is it dysfunctional and wonderful to watch and the best mother-son relationship that any soap's every had - but that David is on his way to becoming the new Gail.
Or even more so. David could be the new Ivy Tilsley! Find out more about Poison Ivy here.
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Sorry, FN, but maybe for the very first time, I do NOT agree with you! David is hardly like Ivy in any way. He is not self-righteous, he cares about other people, he is realistic about his kids (unlike Ivy)....I could go on. Nope, you've missed the boat here.
I'm rarely serious 😁
Gail has turned into Ivy with her meddling ways, david to me is a bit like his step grandad Don Brennan, a bit creepy and crazy but heart in the right place
I thought this write up was hilarious and I think perhaps someone may have missed the tongue in cheek attitude. I laughed hardest at the dead, dead and very dead commentary. The saying "if it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all" comes to mind when thinking of David and Gail!
And don't forget Sarah--she didn't just have someone die on her, but was sort of an accomplice in his death! I'm just glad I'm not related to the Platts.
Absolutely love David Platt, he's the star of the show! The only child actor to turn into an excellent actor in adulthood.
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