There’s rumpy-pumpy on the menu for Kev and Erica next week in Coronation Street. He cheats on Anna, despite knowing that her low libido is a side-effect of her medication
When Dev forgets Erica’s birthday, she’s livid and so when a miserable Kevin and Erica cross paths, she invites for a drink.
Over a bottle of wine, Erica moans to Kevin about Dev’s treatment of her.
Kevin sympathises and Erica leans in for a kiss…
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Doesn't surprise me in the least. Kevin never could keep it in his trousers.
I hope Erica stops this at a kiss.
Didn't Sally also kiss Kevin while he was with Anna and she was about to marry Tim?
It seems to be a pattern with Kevin,betray your friends and act like the 'victim' when it comes out.
The worst part about this is while Kevin is with Erica,Anna is home aloe looking after HIS son Jack who was conceived during Kevin's affair with Tyrone's wife Molly!
Why is Kevin still on the Street?!
Kev was not with Anna. Sally tried to kiss him and he stopped her. He said he could not do that to Tim.
I do not know what these Corrie women see in Kevin. He always looks dirty! Anna never should have given him the money she got from David.
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