Chris Harper, who plays evil Nathan Curtis, has revealed this week that Nathan will end up behind bars as the grooming storyline plays out over the summer.
Not only that, but Bethany will be testifying against him in court.
“He’s spiralling towards his sticky end," Chris explained in an interview with OK magazine. "I think we’ll see them [together] in court and he’ll end up in prison.
“We wanted to show it’s worth victims telling people. It was also important to show that victims can be so manipulated, they don’t even realise they’re being abused.”
The actor, who only joined the ITV soaps' cast six months ago, added that it has been a great role, but it was time for Nathan to meet a "gruesome end".
And speaking to Radio Times, Lucy Fallon, who plays Bethany, said this about Nathan's fate: "He's going down. He's got to go down. He deserves every minute of sentencing he gets."
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How on earth can they drag this out until the Fall?
at the end of the day, cases like this do go on for a long time. it's reality.
It does seem too quick to resolve as some scenarios can go on for decades. Still, this is fiction and we can suppose Nathan has been abusing girls for years. The ending will be satisfactory and that's what counts in soaps. What makes me angry is that an abuse storyline is treated with due sensitivity but Phelan, who should be behind bars for fraud, assault and whatever's the legal term for watching someone die, is jocularly referred to as the 'villain we love to hate.' Grooming is a very important issue but isn't robbing people of their live savings disgusting, too?
It will be an insult to survivors if Bethany 'recovers' and forgets it ever happened in a years time. Leanne and her time as a prostitute, Tracy and her murder, they carry on unchanged, except for catty mentions in passing. Bethany should change permanently after this, that is also reality.
Let's hope nasty Neil the cop goes down too ....
Agree with Humpty, Phelan is long overdue his comeuppance. And of course Bethany will forget all this in a year's time, she'll be the same obnoxious brat she is now.
Agreed Humpty - in regards to Phelan. OMG. Tracy went to prison for three years for killing a man who was not the nicest person on the cobbles. But Phelan watched a frightened Michael dye, Gail's soulmate and a person trying to do the right thing. He also allegedly killed young Andy, a man who was somewhat lost himself. Why oh why does Phelan get overlooked. He has gotten off with the embezzlement. He is happily married. He will soon have a family. I just don't get it.
I can't wait for the penny to drop with Bethany and she really sees what Nathan was doing to her.
Will she ever though Tvor? She does seem a bit on the thick side for someone her age.
Jeanie (anon):
Agree with Humpty too--why, oh why, is Phelan strolling the cobbles as if nothing had ever happened? And now he's going to be "redeemed" after he meets his daughter?! It doesn't get much worse than embezzling friends and neighbours of their life savings, especially seniors like Rita.
The producers seem to have decided to give his character a complete reboot--but they took him too far to make it work: Michael, Andy, tormenting Anna, sabotaging Kevin, to bring him back now. They've also seemed to have forgotten Todd's role in all that as well--at one time, it posed a serious threat to his relationship with Billy (who would never accept this sort of fraud) but now the couple has moved on to new storylines and conflicts--like the Summer one. It's all fallen down the memory hole.
As for the Bethany court drama--imo that makes a lot of sense. Those will be the moments that will allow her to take back power (as we keep being promised) and should also provide a lot of drama because that sort of testimony is particularly difficult. Wonder what role Mel will play? Will she be in the dock as well? Or testifying against Nathan too?
In the aftermath of Bethany's ordeal,I hope there is a follow -up with Bethany going for counselling,being tested for STDS and HIV\AIDS.
Otherwise I think by not Bethany doing so,the storyline will lack credibility.
As for Bethany testifying in court - I sure hope she appears doing it on a screen from another location. Once she realizes what Nathan & his partners in crime have really done, she would not realistically want to be in the same room while testifying. The excellent, but harrowing, Beeb series Three Girls, which recently addressed the same issue, portrayed how truly difficult it would be for the trafficked young girl(s) to do so.
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