Her name's Shona and she's not good news. We first see her when she introduces herself to David who's on a night out in a club in town. But after the two of them chat, David goes for his wallet and finds it's gone. Has Shona stolen it? David thinks so and blames her for nicking his cash.
It's not the last we see of Shona though. Billy takes pity on her after finding her drinking wine in the vestry. Shona admits she's homeless and Billy insists she comes back to No.11 with him.
But just what trouble is Shona bringing to the street?
Shona's ex, a fella called Nathan, also arrives on the cobbles this Christmas too.
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Shona sounds like Maddie who Sophie took a shine to despite the fact Maddie stole her mother's purse!
I wonder who does Billy think he is inviting Shona to stay at the Grimshaws?It's not his house.
Sounds funny when Billy finds her in the vestry. Makes me think Ena will pop out and giving her a serving!
Oooh, another "baddie." Why is every single new person a dirtbag? Faye's boyfriend... Adam AND Daniel are both hiding things. Now this. I understand almost all the plots are relying on conflict lately, but this doesn't feel like a street to live on. It's just a place to watch your back.
After reading all the previews I think we are going to need a scorecard to keep track of the people joining the street and who is good or who is bad.
I used to think Brookside Close was a nice street to live on, how wrong was I? ;)
Oh no, not another Maddie. Maybe Shona will undergo a personality transplant too. I agree with Anon 18.58. If Billy feels so sorry for her why can't he put her up at his vicarage, which he never seems to live in?
Corrie can do without Shona, there are too many troublemakers at the moment anyway. Really didn't enjoy or believe any of tonight's show.
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