Samia Ghadie, who plays Maria Connor in Coronation Street, has confirmed the recent tabloid rumour that a major character will be killed off.
Writing in her blog for OK magazine, Samia says this:
"... this week I've been recording some of THE saddest scenes I've ever done in my 17 years at Corrie.
When I first read the scripts I was in tears so getting to film them has just sent me off.
You may need your tissues when they air.
And we say a sad goodbye to a well loved member of the cast."
Who do you think it might be, Corrie fans?
Emily, I wonder?
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Saturday, 6 August 2016
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Emily was my first thought too.
Yes my thoughts too everybody keeping very quiet about Eileen Derbyshire and her future on the programme.��
Audrey realises that Ken loves her, loses concentration when mixing a perm and blows herself up. Maria can't cope and spends the rest of her life ritually cleaning sinks and sweeping up.
Of course it's Emily, yet with the return of 'prodigal son' Peter Barlow, could it be Ken?..
The new producer will be aiming to make her mark on the show.
I hope we don't have any 'spoilers' though, like Kylie's murder and the Steve/Leanne debarcle. Should be interesting to see what happens though..
Can't be will be an explosion in the street!
By the sound of it, it's someone that's currently on the street and someone that Maria is close to. And a major character.
That really narrows it down. Maybe RIP Audrey?
The only one we know for sure is leaving is Michael/Les Dennis. I hope the explosion isn't taking Gail with him, that's just too much for David to lose at this point.
Perhaps it's Kirk who gets killed off in the explosion saving his sister or his wife?
That would explain Maria's emotional state as her big brother was a rock to her during her hard times.
I suppose it could still be Michael Rodwell played by Les Dennis as he is apparenly leaving, but has he really been in the show long enough for his death to make a big enough impact? Emily seems more likely; as has been stated nothing seems to have been said about her future in the show or when she is returning, which seems ominous. If it is her does she make a brief return to the show to be killed off or do we simply learn about her death in Peru, perhaps followed by scenes of her funeral in Weatherfield?
I suspect that if it was Audrey or Ken we would already have had a clue if either Sue Nicholls or William Roache had announced that they were not renewing their contract. As far as I am aware neither of them plan to leave the show, although I could be wrong. If the news leaked out that Bill Roache was leaving it would certainly create a huge stir in the press as he is the very last actor to have appeared in the first episode of the show in 1969.
Another possibility might be Rita, but again I have not heard anything about Barbara Knox planning to leave.
If it is Michael who is being killed off, does he perform some kind of heroic deed in the wake of the the explosion then die in Gail's arms after professing his love for her? This is possible but seems too similar to Kylie's death.
Ken's sons showing up again does also seem a bit ominous, but I think Bill Roache said recently that he was looking forward to Corrie being broadcast six times weekly from next year. This makes it seem unlikely that he is planning to leave.
I mean to say Bill Roach is the last actor to have appeared in the first episode of Corrie in 1960, not 1969.
Just checke online and Bill Roache apparently said only a few days ago that he will remain with the program to the end if they will have him. Therfore it is possibly not him who us being killed off but I could be wrong. It will certainly be one of the biggest shocks in the history of the program if it did turn out to be him.
I think it's eva
Either Liz or Steve. Big Jim may come come back for funeral.
After reading the other opinions, my money is on Ken, Emily or Liz.
Third time lucky?
There has to be a reason why the Barlow boys come home. If it's not Ken, it could be Tracy, dying as she rescues Amy from the explosion. It could also mean the return of Auntie Emily for the funeral. Although Tracy isn't exactly well-loved (!), she is a major character and filming death scenes of a young character is emotional. And, of course, Samia was bound to ham it up to create interest in Corrie.
Interesting that scenes being filmed now. What are they, 4-6 weeks ahead?
If it were Ken, Audrey or Rita the actors would likely be leaving to retire, so there's not the same incentive to announce their availability for new roles well in advance. So for once, it could be kept under wraps.
I still think it will be Emily though.
Eccles the dog - or because Maria mentions it, Ossie! Рlease not Kirk!
Echoes of Paula Lane's statements filled with superlatives and the disappointing "never been done before" hype. These days just about anyone with a few lines passes as a major character. I'd rather be cynical than disappointed again. Just for fun Leanne goes into labour at the salon and dies in childbirth. Peter arrives to look after Simon. It is revealed who the father is and Steve goes into meltdown, hence Jim enters the fray.
One of you got it right.
At least we know it's not Maria.
I think it's going to be Steve, he's going to die from a heart attack due to the stress of having two babies on the way. Jim will come back for the funeral.
I think there should be a prize if anyone gets it right!
I will guess Liz. The alternative being Gail. Both characters are going no where with their lives so now is as good a time as any to move on. If I'm honest, I hope it's Steve. I can't stomach his perpetual gurn since coming back and the whole "two babies in two ovens" nonsense is just too much.
My guess is Audrey having now read somewhere that the new producer says that the big autumn episodes will heavily feature the Platt's. The quotes from the actress who plays Maria make sense because their characters are so close and have filmed a lot together. Maybe Ken and Audrey finally get together and then she dies and that's why Ken's children return.
I take what samia says with a grain of salt. This is the same person who said her gay husband storyline was some of the funniest things shes ever read and people would love it and laugh so much... uhh i dont trust her opinion
It's Рhelan - although much loved is taking it too far! ;)
I hope it's not Rita - she is a legend on Corrie, well loved and respected. I'm guessing Ken because of the 3 Barlows returning. Actually I hope it's Ken and not anybody else.
They film about 8 weeks ahead.
I think it's fairly obvious it's going to be Emily - the actress has been off since the beginning of the year and is now either in poor health or is enjoying her retirement - the latter I hope.
Given that Emily has been off screen for a year or so, I can't see a 'shocking' exit and 'explosive' scenes around her retirement. Given her gentle and stable nature, a quiet, dignified exit is the most befitting so I cannot believe Emily is the one to whom Samia is referring.
I hope what Shan at 3.26 is not true, more stories featuring the Platts.? Might as well just rename the show 'Platt Family Sagas'.
If it's Tracy then she could die of the complications of the kidney infection that almost took her out a couple of weeks ago.
Todd is killed by Phelan.
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