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Friday, 26 August 2016

Preview of tonight's double Coronation Street - Friday 26 August

Friday 26th August
NICK LETS THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG Eva, Aidan and Simon are thrilled to realise Nick stayed the night and he and Leanne are officially back together. Nick suggests Leanne and Simon should move into his flat as hers is so cramped. Nick assures Leanne he wants to be a dad to both Simon and the baby and reckons they should lie and pretend the baby is his. Leanne promises to think about it. Nick and Leanne call at the Rovers and join the Platts. When Nick announces that he and Leanne are back together and she and Simon will be moving in with him, Gail reckons he’s taken leave of his senses. While the Platts argue about Nick’s bombshell, Tracy approaches and focusing on Leanne, asks her when the baby’s due. All eyes turn to Leanne and Steve watches, his heart in his mouth.
BETHANY WILTS UNDER CROSS-EXAMINATION Concerned about Bethany’s health, Gary drags her to the café insisting they need to talk. Bethany promises him she’s disposed of her diet pills but Gary can see her troubles go deeper than that. Sarah finds Bethany in deep discussion with Gary. Worried that Gary is about to reveal her health problems, Bethany quickly shoves the envelope containing her exam results at Sarah, and warns her that she’s done really badly.
MARIA’S HAD A BELLYFUL OF AIDAN AND EVA Jittery Aidan calls in the salon and apologising to Maria for his recent behaviour, suggests they just act normal around each other. Maria reluctantly attends a gym class with Kate and Sophie. When Eva joins them, Maria does her best to mask her discomfort.
ELSEWHERE Vinny calls at No.11 demanding his £65k to get the development project off the ground. He’s quick to realise that Phelan plans to screw the money out of Eileen. As Eileen arrives back from Thailand, Phelan ushers Vinny out of the door. The Platts gather for Lily’s birthday party. When Max refuses to join in, Michael tells David about the incident with the toy and suggests he’s missing his mum. Max enlists Michael’s help to find Kylie’s favourite pebble in the garden.

Friday 26th August
LEANNE HAS A DECISION TO MAKE As Leanne is forced to announce her pregnancy Steve sweats.  With all eyes on Leanne she’s at breaking point, what will she say about the baby’s father?
GARY FIGHTS BETHANY’S CORNER Sarah’s gutted to discover Bethany’s failed three exams and blames herself for being such a useless mother. Bethany promises she’ll retake them. Lauren tracks Bethany down to the gym and makes cruel jibes about her weight. Gary watches as Lauren continues to taunt Bethany. Bethany finally snaps and punches Lauren. Bethany begs Gary not to tell Sarah about the bullying. Gary agrees on condition they report Lauren to the school.
EVA SETS HER SIGHTS ON PROJECT MARIA Eva quizzes Maria about her breakup with Luke and tells her that if she ever wants to talk, she’ll be there for her. Maria feels terrible. Telling Aidan what a lovely girl Maria is, Eva resolves to find her a new man. Aidan inwardly squirms.
ELSEWHERE Having found Kylie’s special pebble, Michael suggests to Max he should keep it in a memory box together with other bits and pieces which remind him of his mum. Gail thanks Michael, touched by his thoughtfulness. Over dinner, Eileen tells Phelan that Jason has come to a decision about investing in his development project. Is he in?

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Anonymous said...

Really, Leanne should never have told Steve he was the father. Even if he's OK with it, how on earth is Liz supposed to keep her mouth shut knowing that the baby is her grandchild but can have nothing to do with it? It ain't gonna work!

Elsewhere, Bethany only did three exams? I thought you had to do a minimum of eight, or have things changed since I went to school?

Anonymous said...

Re Anon 7.13. It doesn't actually say Bethany failed all her exams. It says she failed 3. Maybe she passed the others she sat?

coconno196 said...

Bethany certainly walked out of one exam and I think she skived off the rest, so they may be the 3 she "failed". But it would have said "absent" on the results letter, and surely the school would have told Sarah or Gail when Bethany missed exams? She's supposed to be a bright girl, but was upset by the bullying and the corpse under the grannexe. In real life she'd get special consideration, maybe even be awarded a grade based on teachers' expectations. Let's hope she does resit them rather than get a dead-end job on the Street.

Anonymous said...

We know that Bethany gets bullied by Lauren at school presumably on the first day of term. It doesn't make sense that Bethany would go back to a school where she's unhappy and is free to leave after year 11. She can resit her GCSEs at the local college and become a more developed character. Furthermore, would the Head Teacher really break confidentiality and discuss a pupil with a stranger?

Humpty Dumpty said...

I am Anonymous at 21.31. Evidently, clicked the wrong button!

We know that Bethany gets bullied by Lauren at school presumably on the first day of term. It doesn't make sense that Bethany would go back to a school where she's unhappy and is free to leave after year 11. She can resit her GCSEs at the local college and become a more developed character. Furthermore, would the Head Teacher really break confidentiality and discuss a pupil with a stranger?

coconno196 said...

Moving to a college is clearly the best thing for Bethany, a fresh start where most if not all of the students will be new.
And of course the Head Teacher wouldn't discuss Bethany with Gary - these days even family members need proof of identity, just as only named adults can collect pupils from school. But never let the facts get in the way of a good plot line. ...

Anonymous said...

For anyone who has a child/grandchild who is being bullied at school, please be aware that all schools should have an anti bullying policy, which is on file, and available for viewing.
The best way is to get an appointment with the headteacher, tell them what is happening (in a non-confrontational manner), and ask them how they intend to deal with it.
He/she is obliged to act upon it, and if the matter is not sorted in a satisfactory manner, the Board of Governors can be consulted.
Most headteachers would probably take the whole school awareness, and Zero Tolerance route initially, before singling out individuals

Rapunzel said...

Michael's developing relationship with Max should be heart-warming, but as we already know that Les Dennis is leaving, it's more like child cruelty.

Flo said...

I don't get Steve's reaction to what Leanne is doing, I would have thought he would have been happy, now he's off the hook. I also felt like smacking Gail.


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