Fashion Gemma is nothing if not inventive with her funeral outfits. From a Goth weeping widow look at Callum's to something like an explosion at a crayon factory for Kylie's.
Forerunner award: I hope Norris' eBay rampage clearing out Emily's things doesn't mean she's not coming back!
Suck up award: Pat knew he crossed a line. Big time back pedalling with flowers, an apology and those three little words. It worked.
Best Uncle Ever: Nick really is a good uncle to the kids, Bethany and he is always good with Simon, too.
Rock, meet hard place: Todd is up against the horns of a dilemma. Keep the secret, protect Sarah, Kylie, David and the kids or tell the secret and put your brother's mind at rest and bring him home.
Good Grief award: I say "good" only because it was a good scene. You don't often get to see the effects of a death on Corrie on other than the immediate family members. It was a nice touch to show us Eva sobbing on the bench, missing her best mate.
Potential couple: Gary and Sarah? Might work.
Sam Slick award: Oh that Phelan's good, isn't he? Manipulating
so that Sean catches Todd and Billy, big bust up, Sean giving Eileen an
ultimatum. When it looked like Sean and Todd might have worked through
things by talking at Eileen's coaching, he made sure Sean knew that she
had prior knowledge. That was the sound of the door slamming behind
Sean. One down, one to go but it will be more difficult to get rid of
Todd, I think.
Lines of the week:
Phelan to Todd "Let battle commence"
Sean "Friend in the coffin. Ex on the pulpit. Meltdown City."
Billy "You deserve an explanation" Sean "Sometimes a picture tells a thousand words"
Gail "I thought I'd never say this, but, Poor Eileen"
Sarah "Kylie saved my life. She doesn't deserve to be punished for it" Todd "Neither does my family"
Eileen to Phelan "You turn on people" Phelan "I just don't suffer fools" (that's one way of twisting it)
Steph to Robert "You really think I'm going to manage a control freak who can't add up?" Robert "I'm the creative one" (who is very much out of his depth. His ex-wife must have managed his old restaurant)
Maria "Watching you and me brother throwing pointy sticks at a wall all night? No thanks, I'll give it a miss" (when you put it that way...)
Sean "We've all seen your true colours. And they're garish!"
Steph to Robert "The money's great and all that, but we're not the problem" (short and to the point)
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Sunday, 7 August 2016
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I do hope he finds her but in the meantime he should at least put the Divine Miss M's "I Will Survive" on loop
I just caught up with this week's Corrie and thought it was smashing! Great performance by Antony Cotton, I've always liked him and I'm glad he got a chance to shine. Bruno Langley was good as ever, and Phelan makes a grand puppet master, he convinces as a baddie without being 'panto', just my two pennorth :)
Change of heart award,Todd had no qualms about selling out Tony's memory when he thought Sarah murdered Callum even when Jason left the Street fearing for his life but now that the truth is revealed all bets are off with everyone including him possibly going to jail?
No,I don't think Gary and Sarah would make a good couple.I would like to see Gary get back with Izzy and Sarah remain a single mother for a while.I also don't want to see Sarah's storylines consist of sleeping with every single bloke on the Street.
I actually thought that Antony Cotton was quite good this week, I don't usually rate his acting.
I agree with the others who said Anthony Cotton was good. He had a couple of wonderful scenes and he rose to them, a refreshing change from the writers giving him nothing to do but strop. I'd like to see more of Steve without his wife and mother constantly berating him. He seems stronger on his own.
I love Anthony Cotton and when he gets to really exercise his talent it's so refreshing to watch. Especially sitting through painful, plodding no-acts like shrieky Maria, boring Sophie, frumpa-dump Eileen.
Could ITV have given us a hint about who will be killed off? Sean says "lost my best friend". Or words to that effect.
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