Well, she deserves to be No. 1 on a list of her own. So here we go with my personal top 10 Corrie bad girls. Is there anyone you think should be added? Leave a comment below!
1. Tracy Barlow
Drugged Roy and slept with him to win a 1p bet. Drove Roy Cropper to the
edge of suicide. Lied that Steve's baby was Roy's. Sold her baby
daughter to the Croppers. Killed Charlie Stubbs. Ironed her own
arms. Lied that Becky had pushed her down the stairs causing her to
abort her twin babies. Set Victoria Court on fire, by accident, but,
hey. And there's more, much more. It's probably easier to say what evil
deeds Tracy hasn't done than those she has. Horrible inside and out
and great fun to watch.
2. Tanya (evil cow) Pooley
3. Theresa Bryant
Jerry Morton's ex-wife who turned up in 2008 and tried to get back with Jerry. She tried to poison Jerry by lacing his food with warfarin, mistreated her children Kayleigh and Finlay and conned Lloyd Mullaney into thinking Finlay was his son. A drunken lush with a broken moral compass. Great fun.
4. Jenny Bradley
Jenny Bradley was Rita Fairclough's foster daughter and daughter of Alan Bradley who tried to kill Rita. Stood by her dad throughout and after his trial. Jenny tried to con Rita out of money but Rita threw her out. Returned to the Street after many years away and kidnapped Jack Webster.
5. Mad Maya
Maya Sharma kidnapped Tyrone Dobbs's pet dog, Monica. Started dating Dev, took him out for dinner and driving back through country lanes threatened not to stop the car unless Dev proposed to her. When Dev announced he loved Sunita, Maya trashed his flat. Ran an illegal immigrant scam using Sunita's birth certificate. Burned down all of Dev's chain of shops in a series of explosions across Weatherfield and beyond. Interestingly, she's not dead. She was sent to prison and could well return.
6. Jackie Dobbs
Tyrone's errant mother. Stole money from Tyrone. Stole Tyrone and Molly's honeymoon tickets. Tyrone threw her out of his house for inviting men back for one night stands and threatening Molly. Assaulted a police officer, causing her to miss Molly's funeral. Stole knickers from Underworld. Squatted in Curly's house when she first turned up on the Street. When Curly demanded she move out, she poured water over his head.
7. Kylie Platt
Murdered Callum Logan. Sold her baby Max to her sister Becky. Drug problems include becoming addicted to Max's medication.
8. Anne Malone
Tried to kill Curly Watts when he spurned her advances of affection. Set out a vendetta to destroy Curly's life, involving putting WD-40 on his fish fingers! Was killed by being accidentally locked inside the deep freeze at Freshco by the store security guard.
9. Megan Hopkins
'Granny' Megan Hopkins was a Welsh dragon with a bitter tongue but much more evil than the usual battleaxe. Blackmailed Gordon Clegg when she found out that his real mother was Betty Turpin.
10. Carmel Finnan
Unstable Irishwoman who lusted after Martin Platt (which is a crime in itself, surely?). Told people that David Platt was her son (ditto) and tried to snatch David. Got into bed with Martin when he came home drunk and she was babysitting Gail and Martin's kids. Lied that she was pregnant with Martin's baby.
Are there any more wild women of Weatherfield you would add to this list of bad girls?
And remember - you can vote for your favourite Coronation Street women here!
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I'd love to see Mad Maya return!
Thank you so very much! I have the picture of Tracy with the lighter on my desk at work with the phrase: 'If one more thing comes on this desk..." lol
I am team Tracy all the way! lol
Technically she did not sleep with Roy...but she made him think she did which was a real sick mind game for someone like poor Roy.
She also slept with her own granmother's boyfriend because she thought he was rich. She taunted Karen McDonald calling her 'barren Karen' when she lost her baby. I believe she did the same thing to Becky under similar circumstances.
I will spare you the reasons I like her...despite all her badness.
Thanks again for this list.
I remembered one more....the woman who befriended Claire and had an affair with Ashley. I think she may have set fire to the Peacock house to kill Claire.....
Carmel Finnan and Tanya Pooley were great bad girls!!! Cilla Battersby-Brown might be considered a bad girl, certainly a bad mother if nothing else!
The problem with having a permanent bad girl like Tracy is that as in real life, in the end, you would have nothing to do with them. That's why bad girls are short/medium term characters who leave town either in a come-uppance story line or a blaze of glory. I choose to have nothing to do with Tracy, boring and predictable, although obviously she has her fans. I loved Tanya and remember her line to Raquel in a crowded Rovers: 'You can take the girl out of the ginnel but you can't take the ginnel out of the girl.'
The problem with having a permanent bad girl like Tracy is that as in real life, in the end, you would have nothing to do with them. That's why bad girls are short/medium term characters who leave town either in a come-uppance story line or a blaze of glory. I choose to have nothing to do with Tracy, boring and predictable, although obviously she has her fans. I loved Tanya and remember her line to Raquel in a crowded Rovers: 'You can take the girl out of the ginnel but you can't take the ginnel out of the girl.'
Fun list. Including Kylie made me think a list of '10 10 redeemed characters' might be interesting- although it might be blurred with 'Personality transplants'. Pretty sure Tracy would never make it on such a list.
I meant TOP 10 of course...
Carmel was my all-time favourite. It was that accent and how she used to say 'Marten..' all the time.
I would replace Teresa with either Cilla or Katie Harris who killed her dad with a wrench from the garage and herself via sugar (she was diabetic). I didn't really warm up to the Harris's, but they're more memorable than the Mortons.
I would put Linda Sykes Baldwin on the list. She made life miserable for Mike and Emma Watts.
Jenny was grieving and mentally ill. Not really a villain after all.
Kylie didn't murder Callum. She acted to protect Sarah, and didn't intend to kill him. She was "bad" in the beginning, but was revealed to be a good person who makes mistakes. I don't think she really qualifies for this list of "villains", as she and Jenny aren't really true villains.
Casey is the woman who befriended Claire and tried to ruin her life. I was actually coming here to comment that she should have made the list!
Linda Baldwin was a brilliant bad girl. I would include Ivy who was quite evil in her time, especially to Gail. She made Nick change his name back to Tilsley before he could inherit her estate, but didn't make the same demands of Sarah.
hmmm no Kirsty?
Becky was a bad 'un...set up Kelly 'with the legs' planted stolen goods in her locker at underworld - she ended up with a police record..was never resolved..sold drugs..stole..ran riot in the Barlows smashing up their living room...then..ping..she's all flowers and light. Steve McDonald, oddly enough, fell madly in love with her in a matter of minutes...saving her from a life of utter misery. I sure miss that woman..esp the way she gave Steve and Tracy their due come-uppance.
Linda Cheveski was the original bad girl. Pretty foul old boot.
Kirsty was truly evil - isn't it time she came back to reclaim Ruby?
I would add Sarah Platt to the 'Bad GirL' list,purposely got pregnant with Todd's son Billy[so I believe[because she didn't want to see him go off to university,tore up David's suicide note because she didn't want to ruin her wedding day to Jason,planted drugs in the salon to frame David to get the job in Milan ,dated Callum and took his side in the custody battle over Max to spite David and last but not least used Kylie's phone to lure Callum to the house and his death,perhaps in an attempt to frame Kylie for murder?Everytime Sarah did these diabolical deeds,she would have that smug smile acting 'innocent'and getting away with it like Tracy does
What about the girl that Claire met and befriended in the hospital when she had post partum depression?. She started making plays for Ashley and had Claire convinced they wwre having an affair.
That was Casey. She set fire to their house and made it seem like Claire was suffering from mental illness and trying to hurt Freddie. And she and Ashley did end up having an affair.
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