JOHNNY MEETS AIDAN’S FIST OF FURY Carla arrives for work and to pre-empt any gossip, announces to the factory girls that Johnny’s her Dad. In an attempt to calm Aidan down, Eva tells him how she too only found out Leanne was her sister in later life. Aidan’s dismissive. Promising Aidan and Kate that he always loved their mother, Johnny begs their forgiveness. But Aidan sees red and punches Johnny, while Kate tells him it would be best if he found somewhere else to live. Will Johnny be forced to leave the street?
WILL CATHY DUMP A CRUSHED ROY? Despondent Roy drops the theatre tickets Cathy bought him for Christmas in the bin. Determined to try and put things right, Nessa secretly retrieves them and she and Ken attempt to persuade Cathy to give Roy a second chance. Clearly hurt, Cathy orders Nessa to get out of her sight. But arriving at the cafe will Cathy be able to bring herself to forgive Roy?
ANNA COMES TO KEVIN’S RESCUE When Joanne turns up at the garage, Kevin paints on a smile, secretly wishing she’d leave him alone. Kevin admits to Anna he doesn’t fancy Joanne but doesn’t know how to let her down gently. Determined to see her rival off, what has Anna got up her sleeve?
ELSEWHERE Erica invites Dev round for dinner and Mary offers to babysit. But when Brendan presents Mary with flowers, assuring her he’s never been so happy since she became his girlfriend, Mary melts. Dev’s annoyed when Mary announces she can no longer babysit as she needs to prepare for her date.
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I love Roy and Cathy together and hopefully, Cathy will forgive Roy. They are great actors, David Neilson and Melanie Hill. I'm also enjoying Kevin and Anna's blossoming relationship.
I love Roy and Cathy as a couple and hopefully, Cathy will forgive Roy. David Neilson and Melanie Hill are great actors and a strong on-screen partnership. I also enjoy Anna and Kevin's blossoming relationship.
I love Roy and Cathy together. They are my favourite characters and David Neilson and Melanie Hill are great actors with a strong on-screen partnership. I hope Cathy forgives Roy. I'm enjoying Anna and Kevin's blossoming relationship, too.
I love Roy and Cathy together. David Neilson and Melanie Hill are great actors and bring such a fabulous calibre of acting to their strong on-screen partnership. TPTB should be smart, keep them together and grow the relationship. Anna and Kevin's romance blossoming has also been good viewing. Personally, I am bored by the Connors. They are bad actors and overused.
Cathy and Roy vs Eva and Aidan. Fight.
I'm still not convinced that Roy will ever replace Hayley as the love of his life but I love how the companionship between these two has blossomed. They met over a common interest, the allotment. They do things together, they do things on their own, they do things with friends, and they remain sober enough to talk about it without blushing. You can't even tell if they've actually slept together. Eva and Aidan, not so much. He ogled her at work a few times, they drink once, bam, they sleep together, he gets beer dumped. Utterly charmless. And neither of them is 22 where they could say they didn't know better. (And don't think young'uns can't do more because David and Kylie, and Steph and Andy do.)
Me, I'm for relationships, not meaningless hookups. It's the difference between drama and dramatics.
I totally agree. Roy and Cathy every time for me and with far better acting than the Connors. I love the subtle and low modest chemistry between Roy and Cathy and their relationship. Aidan is dull and his acting does nothing for me. Neither does that of the other Connors.
I don't think Aidan brings much to the table, and Johnny is too much of a screwup to be interesting (Underworld needs a genuine alpha male, like Mike or Danny Baldwin, and not being an alpha male Liz will get bored with Johnny soon). Kate is too obviously being steered towards Sophie. I agree that we're over-Connored and have been for a while; I like Carla a lot more than I used to, now that she's more sympathetic and less of a man-eater. The trouble with the new crop of Connors is that we don't know them so we don't care about their family drama; we only care about the part which involves Carla, but beyond that I have absolutely no interest in the Kate/Caz thing because they've made it so obvious that the relationship will fail and leave Katie with Sophie.
As time goes by the Roy/Cathy relationship has been growing on me too. The comparison to Eva and Aiden's fling was spot on, abbyk.
I think the new Conners need more time to settle in, just like the Nazirs did. I remember a time when Zeedan didn't have a fan in sight, including me. I know I've said this before, but I think a slowly-developed relationship between Zeedan and Eva could work really well. It could start with their interaction via Leanne and Simon's troubles. Supporting Leanne and Simon sparks a friendship, which grows over time to something more.
I thought Eva is a lot younger than Zeedan and I really can't see the two of them together. Friends, yes. Lovers, no. And I'm sure that somewhere along the line, maybe when Aidan gets over the fiasco of his dad and Carla's mum, he and Eva may just make a go of it. Especially when she tells him about her mum and Leanne.
abbyk - well said!
Good point, and that's why I want so much to see more of Steph and Andy. They're such a sweet couple and we need to see them explored with more depth. Their relationship pretty much was born in a state of turmoil and they've been able to weathered it. Now let's see more of them.
Hmm, I'm a fan of trying out unlikely pairings, but I have to say I find Zeedan & Eva a most unlikely couple. He's too serious-minded for her delightful ditz (I actually laugh out loud every time she does that snorty laugh!) though he has become my second favourite Nazir, thanks to his assured acting and much improved character focus. I somehow doubt we'll be getting to refer to Zeeva any time soon!
What? No, Zee is much younger than Eva! He's 9 years her junior according to the Corrie Wiki.
Zeedan is too young and too serious. Zeedan is even out of his teens. For unlikely couples, Robert and Eva? But I think Robert should be with Leanne in the end.
I like Leanne and I don't mind Robert, but I think they would be boring together and fade into the background, just like she did with Kal.
And I hope they don't pair him with Eva before putting him with Leanne, because it would be a rehash of the Nick storyline. Although it may be interesting to compare Eva's reaction to it this time around to show how much she has grown and matured.
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