Dev's in bits as he breaks the news to Asha and Aadi that Sunita is dead. Stella insists Karl accompanies her to No.7 to offer Dev their condolences. While they're at No.7 the police call, explaining they need to ask Dev some questions about Sunita's death. Karl hides his guilt. Jason apologises to Stella for his strop the other day and suggests they meet for a drink.
Tina goes for her scan. Izzy relents and asks the sonographer what sex the baby is. Gary's thrilled to discover it's a boy. Tina returns home, where she's alarmed to find someone has forced the door to her flat. Scared, she phones the police.
Fiz continues to put Chesney's needs before her own as she supports him in the wake of his break up from Katy. Sylvia hands Dennis some cakes, explaining she made them herself. But when both she and Dennis later get the giggles, Rita and Roy are totally bemused at their behaviour. Eileen's taken aback by Paul's mood swings and when he tells her he's returning to work, Eileen's quietly worried.
Coronation Street, Friday April 5 2013 at 8.30pm
The police question Dev about Sunita's death and suggest it might have been suicide. Dev's horrified. Engulfed by a tidal wave of guilt, Karl drags Stella home. Eileen encourages Jason to fight for Stella if she means so much to him. Jason does his best, reminding Stella what a low-life Karl is, but is Stella prepared to listen?
When Gary finds Tina alone in her ransacked flat, she tries to put on a brave face but it's clear she's shaken. After fitting new locks on the flat, Izzy insists Gary spends the night at Tina's to make sure she's okay.
Following the outcome of the trial what does the future hold for Fiz and Tyrone?
Rita and Roy are appalled to discover Sylvia's been making hash cakes and sharing them with Dennis. Likening Sylvia to a drug dealer, Rita threatens to call the police.
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Do the police in England ever take finger prints, when someone dies?
I think not!
There must have been CCTV in the hospital to see Karl going into the room before the death!
More close ups of Karl's raddled old fae looking guilty then. Noticed he managed to do St Ella's hoovering last week then in the next scene both hands were bandaged up again!
John - they don't have CCTV in every room and the doctor clearly said they thought her breathing tube had been dislodged by Sunita herself, when she was distressed as they tried to lighten her sedation.
I don't know when Karl is going to be unmasked as the arsonist, but it's not going to be any time soon. I am personally enjoying the story enormously.
But there shoud be CCTV in the corridors, so that there is film of Karl going into Sunita's room just before she died. I'm amazed at the lack of security, especially as all the victims come from a crime scene. I'm also surprised that no-one on the street seems to be very interested any more in who started the fire. Having cleared Jason and Karl, the few that are interested have all now fixed on Sunita as the culprit. The whole issue of the pubs keys in her bedside locker drawer is also highly dubious, as has been pointed out several times before. I think the actor playing Karl is doing a great job.
Sunita is in critical care where staff keep greater vigilance. Someone sneaking in and dislocating the breathing tubes is unlikely to happen unseen. It is one of those soap norms we are expected to buy into.
It might make a good blog: 100 Corrie/soap clichés.
In the hospital category, we have: an interloper can always do their worst because the staff are nowhere to be seen; if you're looking for a nurse/doctor, they will be walking in the corridor just when you want them; a critically injured character arrives and, unless the actor is leaving the soap, will recover in 48 hours - to be continued ...
When the episode started the two police officers were sat on a bench not twenty feet away from the door to Sunita's room waiting to talk to her when she revived yet they were conspicuously absent when Karl waltzed into her room to finish her off.
I would have thought that one of them would be there at all times while the other attended to a call of nature or whatever.
Just another example of the contempt the producers have for the viewers.
It might be telling that they left us in the dark about what actually happened in Sunita's room. Seems like there's an opening where Karl might have fled the room out of fear when Sunita went into cardiac arrest. Maybe seeing him hovering over her was enough -- she panicked, the tube dislodged, and so on.
Dev mentioned later he'd gone off to talk to the police, I think
Just a word on Jimi Harkishin's performance as the grieving Dev. Nicely restrained and understated. Such a change from Harkishin's usual over the top pantomime mugging. I have to admit I never thought he had it in him.
Never mind would the keys that Sunita used to get into the Rovers find their way into her bedside drawer? She would have all her clothes removed and personal possessions logged at the hospital.
Swiss cheese anyone?
After last night I think the police are on to Karl. No-one really believes Sunita set fire to the Rovers, except Gloria and Eva who haven't half a brain between them. Karl obviously wants the pokice to believe it is Sunita, although I think he's having real guilt problems now, which will only get worse. He obviously never meant anyone to die. The whole situation reminds me a bit of John Stape, he turned into a murderer by accident and had to keep bumping people off to save his own skin. Although I do think Karl does have a conscience, whereas John Stape did not seem to think anyone but himself was important. Whic is the better/worse villain I wonder?
I'm absolutely astonished at the wardrobe for the 3 Rovers blondes!! Are they all borrowing clothes from Leanne? I doubt Eva could fit into those!
All their clothes were burnt to a crisp - and yet they've managed to get new duds already?? And St. Ella went shopping for MORE beige clothes? C'mon! Is she colour blind? That would explain why she chooses the same non-colour.
~JB in Canada
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