Coronation Street has been rather serious of late. Not surprising given the dominant storylines have involved relationship breakups, arson attacks, funerals and St Ella and her seemingly endless beige wardrobe. Incidentally I understand the nude look is in.
Anyway, what I think Corrie needs is a bit of good old fashioned humour. The recent hash brownie interlude with Sylvia and Dennis was like an oasis in the desert. I don't know about you but I long for the days when episodes could revolve around Fred Gee's wig, Annie Walker's bingo hall carpet or Stan and Hilda's slot machine. I know it takes a certain type of character to carry these stories off well. Many of the classic Corrie comedy ideas when written down on paper would look pretty ordinary, but brought to life by the likes of Jean Alexander and Doris Speed could turn into comedy gold.

i love the relationship between Roy and Sylvia. Practically every scene they appear in has a little gem in it. Now that the link with the infamous One O'Clock Club has been restored, I'd love to see Sylvia and Dennis have some more adventures there. There is also the Rita and Dennis pairing - the timing of Barbara Knox and Philip Lowrie is superb. And I'd like to see Norris involved in some more light-hearted stories rather than his constant nippy sweetie persona that seems to dominate today.

So who do you think should be providing the Corrie comedy today?
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Couldn't agree more. I'm sure you'll get lots of support for this blog. Added to the characters you mention, could I offer: Kylie - Paula Lane is very versatile and there's a great comedy actor waiting to be used; Sally - more of her Hyacinth Bouquet, please; Gail - as long as it's not a dim-witted Mrs Overall; Deirdre (minus Tracy); Audrey .... it goes on and on. There's huge potential for comedy in Corrie. Why isn't it being tapped?
I agree with all of your suggestions! I'd like to see a comedy storyline pitting Sally against Gail.
I agree too ! But also Dev makes me laugh so ill be glad to see him come round after losing Sunita. I was really surprised at how few people attended her funeral . Where was Rita ? Emily? Did no one like Sunita ? I think Jimmi Harkishin did a great job in last nights episodes. He nearly had me crying . I do think folk are unfair about his acting ability . I think he's very good.
NO GAIL please. Acting like the village lunatic blinking and staring is not amusing. We need more Beth and Craig and Kirkay, Dierdre but NOT Tracy who seems to be her appendage lately. Sylvia is good with Dennis but Rita hams it up to much. Bring back Stan and introduce some funny characters from the one o clock club and newsflash to writers: Scraggy Gloria with her nasty remarks and pointless existence is NOT amusing although Frosty suspects she was brought in to be. Us viewers need saving from the miseryfest lately that is Karl, Chesney and Eileen.
I was happy to see Deirdre's pottery came out of the cupboard this week, spoiled only by having Rob play with it.
I'm sure Eileen can and will be returned to her former fun & funny self, given her strong support: Jason, Julie, Steve, Lloyd and yes, even Gail. Those two really need a reason to find themselves alone.
Looking forward to the ongoing fatherhood saga of Steve, Lloyd and Dev.
I agree Graeme. The humour recently has been seen as forced. Even the hash brownie storyline wasn't that good. The hash storyline back in 2003 was brilliant and natural. Why didn't we get to see Rita, Norris and Mary become high on brownies, instead of just Sylvia and Dennis, that weren't funny tbh.
I agree with you that Norris has become a nasty gossip, whereas he used to be very funny, very much like Hilda used to be be. For some reason Rita and Norris don't have very funny scenes together these days - they've all become too serious. Mary's been pushed in as Norris' partner and I much prefer Rita.
Eileen and Julie have become serious characters which is a pity.
The Barlows should have Blanche's sister Beryl Linfield come and live with them and have the spirit of Blanche back at No. 1.
There's plenty of comedy potential in characters, just use them: Gail, Sally, Roy, Steve, Lloyd, Eileen, Julie, Kirk, Beth, Norris, Rita, Emily, Dennis, Sylvia.
Don't get me wrong, I am a huge Corrie fan for years, but rather than more comedy....they need believable storylines that don't insult our intelligence. The Rover's keys found in the ICU drawer belong to Sunita, was absurd!!!
Corrie needs another Craig Gazey (Graeme Proctor). Also I agree: more light hearted and funny moments in the cab office with Lloyd, Steve, and Eileen.
What I would REALLY like to see though is Fat Brenda brought to life.
Totally agree about the lack of comedy recently. It's such a shame that the writing's on the wall for Brian and Julie, as they're usually hilarious together.
Audrey and Gail..always loved these two together..esp the power walking episode. Kirkeh & Beth...emmm..not really working IMO but Craig should be teamed with Kirkeh more often...or at least more scenes with those two minus Beth.
I used to love the Eileen and Gail fish market wives brawls on the street. Julie I think is funny, when she is not cavorting with Brian or Kirsty. Beth cracks me up but can be used more.
Her full title is actually St Ella The Beige, but I have a new nickname for her: Dumbass.
Frosty completely agree with all of your comments!
I think Frosty is right about Gloria being brought in as comic relief. Shows how wide of the mark the powers that be are at the moment. It's also very sad as we all know how good Sue Johnston is and what she is capable of as an actress.
Gloria would be comic relief if she was funny, but she's just a female version of Norris..vile to the bone. All Stella ever seems to say to her is Mum...give it a rest, or rolls her eyes to the heavens..same thing Diedre used to do.
They cannot replace Blanche and really should stop trying.
I imagine that the writers have been engaged for their ability to write drama not comedy. The few weak attempts at comedy certainly suggest that.
The humour comes from characters' foibles and pomposities being ridiculed in a kindly way. That's why neither Gloria or Tracy are funny. Their barbs just appear nasty. Norris' nosiness is too mean spirited to be funny.
Characters are so busy plotting their next affair or crime that they don't have time to develop quirks. So there's nothing like Mavis thinking Derek is God's Gift, Vera believing she's related to the Queen or Hilda thinking she can tell fortunes.
Deidre's pottery was the last attempt at sustained humour. Stan the lollipop man was funny with Sylvia. Nick takes himself far too seriously and someone like Kylie could burst his balloon. Oh, but they have a secret... Humour sacrificed to plot yet again...
Steve and lloyd are the best, more please, plus must agree that the old cab office routines were great, please return Eileen to her old self!
Misery Guts characters are far too many currently (where did the funny Chesney go?), not as bad as Eastbenders (which is so miserable it's unwatchable), but please more comedy!
Some of the older characters are brilliant with comedy patter and given the chance even some of the younger ones are showing promise, (Kylie and - hate to say it Eva- have potential).
Please no more Moaning Minnies and Weary Willies, put the fun back in Corrie. Cheers AJ from Brisbane
Agree - bring back the cab office humor? Perhaps Craig could somehow be in that mix as well. Great stuff with Sylvia, Dennis and Stan and hope there is more to the 1 o'clock Club.
Why can't they introduce the 1 o'clock club? See it working in action? That should be worth a few laughs.
Too many of the episodes are plot driven, clunky with too many 'coincidences' just to push the plot through. Many of those 'coincidences are so unbelievable which are taking us viewers for mugs.
More comedy please with character driven stories.
And more Stan, Sylvia and Dennis. Steve, Lloyd and Eileen (when she's rid of Paul!)
Beth, I agree, and I also want more Roy!
Hopefully we will see a lot more of Roy in the lead up to Hayley's departure and beyond. It looks like we may even see more Croppers.
We definitely need to get Craig out of the kid cupboard and into more scenes with some humour! He has loads of potential.
It would also be lovely to bring Fat Brenda to life and start with some comedy in the cab office that can branch out into the Street! Make is so, powers that be...
This blog has cheered me up no end and in support of those suggesting Fat Brenda, could I suggest we see evidence of her eg biscuits and coffee cups which annoy Steve, but we don't see her. Let's keep the mystery. Perhaps we see the back of a large female disappearing through the door and Lloyd shouting: 'See you tomorrow, Bren'. A little in-joke for us fans because, heaven knows, we deserve it!
Yes, I can envisage Fat Brenda as much the same as Capt Mainwaring's good lady wife in Dad's Army. A presence but never actually present. The one hilarious exception was when Mainwaring was in the bottom bunk,, and Mrs M could be seen as a giant downward bulge in the mattress of the upper bunk.
I'd also like the return of the scene involving aimless banter at the bar of the Rovers. Typically, this would involve Jack Duckworth, Fred Elliott, Ashley, Dev, Steve and maybe one other (Duggie Ferguson?) and an odd, but surreally funny piece of terrifically pointless bantering, ending with the participants gazing bewildered into the middle distance.
We mustn't forget empty packets of Brenda's Dunhills scattered about. The occasional phone call from her to the cab office could also be very funny.
Sorry - I didn't realise that there used to be comedy in Corrie. When was that?
Ooh anonymous, sarcasm much?!
Sarcasm - lots!!
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