The recent news that the Rovers may (or may not) succumb to another fire took me rather by surprise. I can see the logic of doing this if the powers that be are trying to find a way to build a new set, but what I cannot understand is why they would consider making the character of Michelle Connor the new Rovers landlady.
I mean really, do the Corrie bosses never listen or learn from past mistakes?
It's not the idea of making Michelle the landlady that annoys me most. Even though Michelle has been a less than favourite character of mine since all that rubbish with the two sons, which she never mentions, even though she is now bringing up a son who isn't her own, with a different head. I also don't like the effect she has on Steve, a favourite character of mine. It didn't work the first time and it doesn't work now.

There have been several attempts at this in recent years and despite the varying talents of the actors involved it never comes off. Sean Tully was a flavour of the month for a time, however now the character receives a fair amount of criticism and isn't currently carrying a major storyline. Tracy-luv Barlow is another one. Again and again she has taken centre stage in numerous ridiculous and rehashed stories in the vain hope we will take to her. Michelle Connor herself was flavour of the month for quite some time until the aforementioned child-swap story which plumbed new depths!

In the old days characters were allowed to develop over time. They built up their screen time and storyline potential gradually, allowing the viewers to get used to them, learn more about them and finally take to them and appreciate their presence. These days characters seem to explode into Weatherfield and are shoved down our throats from the get go!

Anyway, I'm finished ranting now. I'm off to watch some classic Annie Walker to remind me of what a proper Rovers Return landlady should be like.
As usual, let me know your thoughts!
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I have to agree with everything you have written here, Graeme. The thing that surprises me with this story though, if correct, is that TPTB seem to be having another go at projecting MeMe into the spotlight. After the car crash that was the TwoSons story, you would have thought that the production team would have thought very carefully about this one. The pivotal Corrie role of Rovers' landlord/lady is a very special one and can't just be doled out to anyone on the cobbles who happens to be the Flavour of the Month. The actor has to be able to carry the Newton and Ridley crown with all the respect and dignity it deserves. It shouldn't just be passed to anyone who is TPTB's idea of the 'Fans' Favourite'. Michelle should stay in t'Faktry. She works well there with Carla.
Sorry, off for a lie down; I'll put my soap box back in the outside loo now......
I agree that telling fans that a character is your favourite only serves to annoy. However, pretending that they haven't said that, I do think there is some merit for giving Michelle a bigger role. The show needs some long term characters and partnerships developing now to compensate for natural departures over the next few years. I think Simon Gregson and Kym Lomas are likely to stick around for a while - forever perhaps - and that would be good. We need replacements for Jack and Vera, and from the distant past, Jack and Annie, Hilda and Stan. As long as they keep the partnership stable-ish. They can have affairs but splitting them up in a sensationalistic storyline would be pointless. Strangely, I'm beginning to think Kym Lomas is at least average, and I thought she was rubbish when she first arrived. She may have improved or we may have so many other rubbish actors that she's Helen Mirren by comparison.
It's down to the writing as well. Look what happened to Becky; great actress, but stupid storylines ruined the character. Tracy and Sean were appealing when they were younger but now they're old and feeble. We get the impression that they haven't much changed since they were 20. Their life experiences haven't moved them on and they are deeply boring. Poor writing *and* dreadful acting in these cases.
Stella is a different kettle of fish. She came from nowhere and was suddenly everywhere. The biggest mistake the producer made was to give us more Stella scenes in the hope that we would eventually love her. Einstein said (and he should know) that a definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. The Stella era will be remembered as a brief madness. At least, Michelle has been on the Street a while and she would grow into the role of Rovers landlady, sometimes in minor stories and sometimes in bigger ones. Steve and Michelle as a solid couple would be a welcome development.
Oh Dolly - you are right - you mentioned respect and dignity - whatever happened to those?!
Humpty - I take you point about longevity. In my eyes Steve has already achieved that and I hope he stays a long time. He needs a better partner in crime though! She just doesn't cut it for me.
Michelle sure has a good publicist that's all I can say. Not a particularly popular character she has been hyped and pushed into the stratosphere where Corrie is concerned. A mediocre actress although an attractive one, she is now one of the main characters with a lot of story time. I cant say I dislike her or like her particularly but her consistently loud aggressive attitude is not conducive to the Rovers landlady. Her relationship with the gurning Steve doesnt ring true for me and he will then be back in the Rovers again. We need fresh blood, a new face, a new character for the Rovers landlady. What happened to the landlady of the Weathie arms - Debbie someone? She only seemed to have a bit part in the footie saga story. She would be a good contender.
The death of Jack Duckworth was very well done. It was understated, poignant and a touch a humor having Vera's ghost hectoring him to the other side. Has to be my fav so far.
I agree with your article, Graeme. Personally, I have never cared for the character of Michelle. I was deeply shocked to read that "rumour" that she may become the Rovers Landlady. I also agree that she is not a good partner for Steve. Both times he's been partnered with her, he changes from affable/comical/teasing to stupid. Katherine Kelly, who played Becky, was smart to get out as they totally ruined the character. I'm surprised John Michie is slogging through the ruination of Karl, and even more surprised that Shobna Gulati took so long to bow out of the Sunita character. I believe it does have a real affect on the actors, both emotionally and professionally, when the characters they portray are ruined in long-term serial shows.
I'm guess it's just random speculation.
Personally, I think Michelle and Carla have a great set-up, working together in the factory. When Kym Lomas was on Loose Women, I'm pretty sure she said the same thing.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
I take anonymous statements in the press about "bosses" wanting an actor to become a fans favourite with a huge pinch of salt. Coronation Street used to test the water with characters before shoving them centre stage. Most entered like Beth has. She had an initial appearance, then got a job atthe factory, moved to the street, now is involved with one of the residents. That's how to do it.
That is not the way to do it Anonymous statement above - Becky was ruined by being pushed into almost every scene and almost every story - and we all got sick of her Its plain as the nose on your face that there are certain 'favourites' whilst others are conspicuous by their absence.
You really should read comments before criticising Frosty. I said characters should be introduced gradually like BETH not Becky. I don't agree with any character being too prominent.
How often do the producers/writers fly kites so they can get feedback before deciding to go ahead with a storyline?
Hopefully this is one of those times (as is the Rovers fire) and the ideas will die in a ditch where they belong.
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