The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Anna’s trial draws to a close.
Next week, Roy will be called as a witness where he gives Anna a glowing character reference but is forced to admit that she did slap Seb in the café.
When Tim is called as a witness he’s forced to admit that he and Gary encouraged Seb to change his story. Anna’s heart sinks whilst Phelan looks like the cat who’s got the cream. As the judge sums up the case what will be the verdict?
Meanwhile, Phelan is stunned when Nicola calls at the builder’s yard telling Phelan how sorry she is for disbelieving him and begs his forgiveness. Then Nicola apologises to Eileen for not standing up for her dad when he was innocent all alone. And Phelan is thrilled to find out he’s got the Site Manager job at the old mill project.
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OMG! Is there going to be no end to Phelan? I can't take much more of him.
Doesn't look like it. My fear is that it'll continue until the end of May, when Corrie have their "big week" where you usually get conclusions to major storylines. I really, really hope I'm wrong though
As I have already said I am going to stop watching Coronation Street as I detest Phelan and he has turned what was once a good show into one of pure evil. It has often been said that Corrie is a moral program but there is nothing moral about this man getting away with murders and having innocent people imprisoned. It seems very much like Anna will be sent to prison and we will never hear of her again, unless there is some twist later on when her innocence is eventually established if Phelan's crimes are found out and she is freed offscreen. If Eileen and Nicola are now going to tell Phelan how wonderful he is it is almost certain that he has destroyed Anna and his smug and evil presence will be a fixture on the street for the foreseeable future. I am not interested in watching this.
I suppose it is not impossible that Anna may make an unexpected return later if Phelan is found out but I very much doubt this. I suspect that this obnoxious character may even remain in the program for several years, as I have not read anything to suggest that he will be departing anytime soon. I think the writers of Coronation Street should be ashamed of themselves for inventing such a disgusting storyline exploiting an innocent woman and virtually condoning murder.
I will not be watching Coronation Street again and I will not be posting on this blog again. I send good wishes to everyone else and hope you get something out of watching the show. I may possibly write to ITV to complain about the whole Phelan affair.
Jeanie (anon):
I hope you do write a letter of complaint, Antiphon. I don't have the same problems as you with having a murderer on the soap, but I find the whole Phelan story and his continuing reign of terror preposterous and sloppy--And to me this makes it unacceptable because it means it's all about cheap thrills and sensation, not careful, solid story-telling.
I also found the degree of sadism and cruelty in both Andy's and Luke's death pointless and out of place for a soap. The producers actually made a point of showing that Luke was NOT killed quickly--he was still very much alive and struggling to escape when he was burnt alive (a truly horrible end). That was just needlessly disgusting.
As to Phelan's reign of terror--it is so sloppy, so unbelievable. For example, why has Steph, who must have been in contact with Luke, never divulged all she knew about Phelan, especially after Luke is murdered? Let's see now...She knew Andy was utterly terrified of Phelan, she knew he killed Michael, she knew he was behind the condo scam and she knew he blackmailed Andy into torching the garage and sundry other illegal activities. Then Andy goes missing, never to be heard from again. Luke is murdered. Can she not put two and two together?
And are we really supposed to believe that Phelan can make Seb "see" Anna pushing him off the ladder by whispering in his ear when he is in a coma? The whole Anna framing was so far-fetched as to be laughable.
And meanwhile, most of the street are terrified of Phelan OR have been ripped off by him...yet Eileen still has no doubts?
There are just so many ways this guy could or would have been found out in the real world that letting him run amok through the street terrorizing everyone is not really story-telling but cheap sensation.
Phelan will get his comeuppance. Anna shouldn't be convicted of Seb's accident though she may be in a miscarriage of justice but.... but...she is certainly guilty of cracking Eileen over the skull and attacking Phelan in the prison visiting room and of slapping Seb, a minor child, in the cafe.
I did wonder if it might be possible that Anna might be found not guilty of Seb's attempted murder but guilty of escaping from jail and assaulting Irene, therefore receiving a somewhat shorter sentence. I think she has been charged with the attack on Irene as well as the alleged attack on Seb, but I do not know if she has been actually charged with slapping Seb in the cafe and slapping Phelan in the prison. These facts will certainly be used against her in court whether she has or not. I suppose if Anna was imprisoned for at least a year or more for the other offfences Phelan might be pleased enough as her character has still been tarnished and she would probably not return to Weatherfield and cause him more trouble on her release. Moreover, she does not know anything about the murders he has committed. She might plead self-defence in the case of the attack on Irene as she genuinely thought it was Phelan who might have harmed her but it will probably not do her any good.
If she is convicted of pushing Seb off the ladder for which she was not responsible is there any possibility that she might lodge an appeal?
I have read in a spoiler that Seb seems to disappear again after the trial and that Gary and Tim are frustrated that he cannot be found. Perhaps he could still do something to help her even at this late stage, but he is probably too scared of Phelan to do so.
Only write to ITV if it makes you feel better - they don't care.
Probably not.
Antiphon, the current runners of Corrie may not care, but I think ITV has to take a certain amount of what viewers think seriously. If we are turning off in droves, it could affect their bottom line. And there is a case to made for the preponderance of gratuitous violence on the show lately.
Jeanie (anon):
But Tvor don't you think if the full extent of Phelan's crimes were known, Anna's other actions would be seen in another light and probably not prosecuted--or at least given a suspended sentence? She whacked Eileen, yes, but not only did that lady miraculously recover within a day (lol), Anna did it out of fear and self-defence after months of being stalked and harrassed by Phelan (who was in the act of framing her). Again she slapped Seb (a minor)but it was not hard enough to leave any marks and he was insulting her pretty vilely. And she slapped Phelan but again in the context of his on-going persecution of her, I doubt if it would ever be prosecuted.
As bad as Eileen is,Nicola isn't much better begging her father for 'forgiveness'.Phelan raped her mother but that's 'okay' now that he's 'proven right' about Anna?It gets worse and more sickening!
I also doubt seeing Nicola will help Gary's efforts to get back with Sarah either.
Don't you know? He's "magic Pat"! Always in the right place at the right time, always slipping out at the right moment, nobody ever clueing in to his crimes.
I was waiting for him to walk Andy naked down the middle of the cobbles with a collar and leash while everyone just happened to be looking elsewhere and didn't see a thing.
It's sickening.
The contempt that the writers have for their audience to write these garbage scenes makes me sad for the show.
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