The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Adam has a plan to bring Billy down.
As Billy busies himself helping out at the community centre, he is suddenly wracked with pain and collapses on the floor. It’s Adam who finds Billy there and masking his delight he helps Billy back into his wheelchair, telling Billy he can get his hands on some stronger painkillers.
Playing the caring friend, Adam calls at No. 11. With Billy out, Adam swaps Billy’s strong painkillers for ordinary paracetamol. Wincing in pain, Billy takes a couple of painkillers, unaware they’re only paracetamol. Adam watches, pleased that his plan is coming together.
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Billy has turned into a pathetic go Adam!
We had to endure Peter tormenting Billy, now Adam, seriously. I am extremely disappointed in this storyline. Hate what the writers have done to Billy!
Jeanie (anon):
So tedious...Billy has gone from being an interesting figure who provides characters with moral support and guidance while dealing with his own human frailties and insecurities to become a totally down and out, self-pitying whinger. And this enemy getting you addicted to drugs or alcohol has been done to death, such a cliche! Among other things, isn't Billy even the least bit suspicious of Adam's motives?
If we need drama, why not keep Billy as he was--a strong, decent guy--but then have him struggle with burn-out, depression, stress due to the demands of his job and lack of acceptance within the church of his sexuality. This could also show him dealing with problems, maybe even become addicted to anti-depressant drugs if he must, but in a more believable and realistic way.
Don't be silly Jeanie, that would mean the writers would have to use their grey matter rather than come up with the easiest, most rubbish storylines possible.
But he's not drugging Billy, not exactly. he's taking the good drugs away!
Yawn...yawn... Such lame storylines. Is this a writing 101 course, certainly seems like it. Corrie...the American soap opera in the UK. Lame storylines and they play over, and over and over. Just the names are charged, the storyline is the same.
Time to have Billy leave. He can go and find Todd.
Yes Anon 21:06, I agree.
Yeah, let's just torture Billy some more now. This is getting old. I'm starting to really wonder what goes on in the writers meetings anymore.
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