His reign of terror must surely be coming to an end very soon. The net is closing in around him as Nicola and Gary work to undermine Pat Phelan and undo his evil wrongs. But will he get away with it? What do you think?
When Pat's crimes do come to light, and the bodies of Andy and Vinny are found (for surely they must be!), what do you think and hope will happen to Pat Phelan?
Should he be collared by the boys in blue and sent away for a long stretch - or, should he be killed off? I vote for the latter, to truly cement his fate as a top notch Coronation Street villain of the very worst kind.
But what do you think - Should Pat Phelan be killed off - Yay or Nay?
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I vote yay, kill him off. That way he won't pop back in like he did after his first stint.
Yes and I think fay should do it and get away with it.
#Phelan isn't so much religious as superstitious. We got a hint of that, which was never followed through, when Todd played 'haunting' tricks on him. He may display bravado but you can see the fear on his face. What Phelan believes is that he might dodge an earthly punishment but ultimately he won't escape his fate. There's only one power higher than him and it isn't Mr Plod. Phelan will be cornered by one of the posse pursuing him but he'll take his own life. Could be in a ball of fire but poetic justice says he'll end up in the same water as Andy and Vinnie.
If it means he never comes back, I'm all for it.
BUT, everyone - and particularly Eileen - must know, without a shadow of a doubt, all the evil things he has done, if they kill him off without people finding out, it will mean that he did get away with murder. And that is just wrong.
I agree. However he leaves everyone must know that he framed Anna and that he murdered Andy, Vinny and Luke and watched Michael die. It would not be fair if he just disappeared without anyone finding out about his crimes. The street must know what sort of man he is even if he is dead.
C in Canada:
Anon above is spot on. He should die so he can never return, but his crimes must be exposed to serve justice. Soap law!
I agree with everyone else, he should be killed off but not until after everyone learns of his horrible crimes.
On a side note, wouldn't it be fun if ITV/Corrie did a special side episode where all of the worst villains of the past are brought together in an alternative dimension? Tony Gordon meets Richard Hillman meets...
Nope. Why do you think people are tuning in? To watch Peter and Toya fumble around the Rovers? Nope. It's Phelan. Great actor.
One of Pat Phelan's principal strengths is the believability of the character and the way in which Pat is shown to have a human and even warm side despite the evil things that he has done. Dramatic justice would have Pat suffer a dramatic fate - such as drowning in the murky waters of an inner city canal like Richard Hillman . The realistic nature of Connor McIntyres portrayal of Phelan the villain has surely earned the character the avoidance of a melo-dramatic exit . Reality is prosaic rather than poetic and therefore a realistically prosaic exit - with the possibility of a return perhaps? - would be my personal preference ��- Bradley Hornet (Master of Nowt)
Nope a trial great viewing
Kill him off.
In this case I would let him stick around. I don't think the storyline has been going on too long but I do think he has gotten away with too much without suspicion. The actor has done a spectacular job playing the role too. Have a trial and put him in prison just in case we need him later :)
I've actually STOPPED watching all of Coronation Street because of the character of Pat Phelan and how he gets away with everything continuously. I have to record the episodes so I can fast forward past his hateful actions.
Yes, kill him off but not before EVERYONE knows what he did and who he really is.
I'd like to see him have a heart attack or a stroke, on the ground, surrounded by all his "enemies" who just.... watch him die like he did to Michael.
Not only does Eileen need to know what he's done before they kill him off, but now Sally needs to know too. She treated Tim appallingly last night!
Phelan needs to be put down. Eileen should know the full truth about everything! Anna’s sexual blackmail, Owen’s ruin, Michael’s death, Andy’s blackmail and capture and murder, Vinny and his condo scam with Todd helping to cover it up , ruining Jason’s inheritance, vinny’s Murder, Luke’s murder and terrorizing Seb and framing Anna and finally the rape of Nicola’s mum. All of it!
Eileen should be shamed and shunned by the street, leave to stay with Jason far away until she can return with her tail between her legs. She has certainly outdone Gail with the type of man she calls husband.
To kill Phelan I think it should be someone closely linked to first instance of his fatal flaw...when he was truly evil...Andy’s psychological degradation was truly awful. Luke’s murder was cold blooded. So I’m thinking Steph should kill Phelan in a huge battle for survival. Perhaps he kidnaps her and thinks he’s untouchable and tried to kill her but she gets the jump on him. Finding out that while she was away she trained in martial arts and she stops this old chap in his tracks. Steph could have help, say a surprise appearance by Owen who has returned to check on Izzy and Jake after hearing of Anna’s sentencing.
Anyway I hope it’s put the kettle on and gasp worthy!
Kill off Phelan? No, no, no.... We all found him either an amazing actor or the creepiest get around. I think he should be found out for his crimes... that he should be sent to trial... and to keep the option open for his return or release. Connor has play this role so well. Love or hate him... he has our attention!
Don't kill Pat off: bring him back after his prison sentence! Best bloke since Mike Baldwin!!
Kill the evil bastard
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