So many secrets, so many lies. Toyah now knows that Eva is pregnant, so that's one secret down, another 50 to go.
Gary comes out of hospital and doesn't obviously believe in resting after a shock. He and Sarah emerge from upstairs. And yep, they are back on! And we know what you've been doing!
Eva is having a dilemma about telling Aidan, as she believes he is back with Maria. Vegan counsellor Toyah steps up and instead of offering her cauliflower wings, she offers her support.
Faye is worried about Seb and her mum. Tim promises to sort it. But given his track record, I'm not so sure.
Summer is back, but looks like Winter due to the sheer amount of exposition the actress had to utter in the previous episode. Phelan sees this as an opportunity to embrace the family again, and make himself needed.
Shona has become the 'go to' shoulder to cry on. Sarah tells her she is seeing Gary. And the question 'what does Bethany think?' comes up. Meanwhile Amy has a strop about her phone. So Steve sets her a digital detox challenge and the reward is a new phone.
Luke's death is ruling the street. I can see why, as he was a nice guy. But, what seems odd is that whenever someone is in hospital, people comment but rarely visit, if ever. To be a community, you need to do more than tell others you like folk.
Eva goes to the hospital to get the baby checked out. And poor Toyah consoles her, but is still grieving. Will Eva give the baby up so that Toyah can be happy? The baby is given a clean bill of health. Eva feels nothing for the unborn child and when it's revealed it's a girl, she still feels numb. Hand it over to your half sis!
Summer is confused, as are we. With Todd off screen, we have so many 'out of character' plot developments to digest. Hitting a police officer, really?
Gina has not taken her meds, so is very hyperactive. Dev is understandably worried and even Brian looks a tad uncomfortable, but has no idea why she is like this. Clumsy storyline, really.
Amy challenges Dad to the detox, and it's safe to say she has got herself a new phone, right there! Just get down to the car phone warehouse now Steve, and pre-order it!
Kevin and Ty talk about a tribute for Luke. The best tribute would be to find out who killed the poor lad.
Gary and Sarah meet in The Rovers, all Brief Encounter and 'knowing glances.' He declares he loves her, but with a baby on the way, how long will it last?
Eva is still feeling empty and thinks she cannot have the baby. Toyah tries counselling statements and questions. But, Eva does not want to budge. Toyah offers her words of wisdom, but Eva knows her own mind.
Summer has lost her zest and wit. But she offers Billy help, if he needs it. He needs an out too, as he is another looking too sorrowful for words.
Aidan apologises to Eva, and she wants to move things on. And Aidan wants the same, Eva means not speak though. Toyah tells Eva to tell him, but she is a fine one to talk. Pot, kettle, Peter? Toyah declares that Eva does have a choice, and the seeds are sewn for another surrogacy story? Would this be a good development? Toyah is desperate for baby, so it makes sense.
An above average episode, but some plot lines need to close, as they are dragging on.
Glenn Meads
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