Tuesday, 1 May 2012
Twilight Zone on Coronation Street
I think the Coronation Street writers for Monday's episodes must have come from the twilight zone. Or maybe they were sat around a bottle of gin at the time, I don't know. A lot of things didn't make sense to me.
First, Deirdre seems to have completely forgotten that she was a councillor at one time, and everyone else had forgotten it too. Yet another writer fail, ignoring or not bothering to check history. You wonder what the actors think about some of this shoddy writing, don't you? It's little things like this that are even more annoying to me than an unbelievable storyline because it's so easy to do a little research.
There's no way the upstanding Kirsty would have helped Tyrone investigate a bent Councillor, illegally accessing bank records and rifling through the offices. I know she's impulsive but being a cop is very important to her. It's not that likely that a PC would be undercover is it? Maybe I'm wrong there.
Would Sunita really go shopping in 4 inch spike heels? I think not. Eva, maybe. And how does she think she'll have the house to herself to have a bit of rumpy pumpy with Karl? Asha isn't going with Dev and Aadi.
Mary suggests a corner shop isn't suitable for a young girl and reckons she should be in bed anyway. I didn't think the shop was open all that late? 8 or 9pm surely? Faye's not a toddler. And Mary making Faye shine shoes? Whose shoes? And stroppy Faye agreed to do it? I would have thought she'd have run out of the house across the street to her mother rather than put up with those "workhouse" type tactics.
Kevin asked Pam to mind the baby. In Sally's house. Huh? But I guess Kevin is still thinking with Mr. Happy, isn't he? He's willing to give up his baby to get his ex-wife back. Willing to give him to a senior couple. He thinks Sally can just ignore the baby living under her roof, letting him do all the work. He just needs to look at Peter Barlow to find out the result of dumping your child on relatives to be brought up.
I guess Brian's vasectomy took after all. My heart did break for Julie. I hope she's going to be ok.
No Weekly Awards from me for a few weeks as I'll be on my holidays!
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I'm fairly sure the sign on the corner shop says it's open until 10 p.m. most nights. Baby Jack seems to have been offscreen for a long time -- shouldn't he be older? (You know what I mean) Surely he's at least a year old now, same as Hope.
Something else annoying that you missed out, I am sick of Brian, isn't Corrie meant to reflect the real world? There is no way he would make it as a head teacher in the real world and corrie is giving teachers a bad name. He drinks in the Rovers at lunchtime, goes knocking on parent's doors about school matters, how about Corrie casts someone as a teacher and actually portrays how hard it is to be a teacher?? showing how they're lucky to be home before 6pm and are up marking books until 10:30pm and showing how hard it is to incorporate family life and bring up children with such a demanding profession,
And no I'm not a teacher, it's just annoying me that they've cast odd Brian as a Head teacher when he's not fit to be a librarian.
Rant over
Kevin is just a pathetic useless character, his only aim in life is to get back with Sally so he has someone to cater to his every whim regardless of what it does to anyone else.
Fobbing the kid off on Pam and Bill at their time of life and with Bill's health issues just goes to show how little he cares for anyone but himself.
It's time that Sally faces up to the fact that no matter what her feelings are for Kevin, Kevin only cares for himself and she should tell him in no uncertain terms to move on and leave her alone.
What's really annoying is that little self-satisfied smirk he has every time he gets Sally, Sophie or anyone else to do whatever he wants be it food, laundry, baby-sitting or whatever.
It really demonstrates that Kevin is only for Kevin.
Dubcek you've got it exactly about Kevin. Selfish jerk and always has been.
As far as Brian goes, of course he's a bumbling idiot but we've had plenty of them over the years on Corrie (Derek and Reg spring to mind).
I was understanding Julie and Brisn were going to open a shop on the street. Thought it was going to be the former Butchers?
A second hand shop?
TVOR your catching the UK feed now, or are you over there lol.
I had a few teachers that were nothing more than chair warmers so I think Brian fits the bill. I like his character..he's just so anal.
It's one of Coronation Street's least attractive features in recent years that it continually paints professionals in a bad light. It's not just teachers, but the police and social workers too. Though it seems doctors are a special case. I doubt any of my GPs would even recognise me if I met them in the Street, but Dr Matt, always has time for a passing chat.
Brian was first introduced as Head of English in a Secondary School. Then he returned as Headmaster of a Primary School. That's just not how promotion works in teaching. There is no point in bothering to do research into Alzheimers or any other issue, if you can't be bothered to research simple things like Court procedure, basic law or the show's on history. Corrie has no credibility any more.
I've always wanted to contribute a guest blog on this topic, actually. Education in general has always been treated poorly on the Street. You have Ken, who managed to get a degree and then devolved into bitterness and irrelevance. Stape was a lunatic (and his coworkers Bryan, Charlotte, and Colin weren't much better). Oddly, I can't think of any women (other than monkeymouth Charlotte) with education who've been on the show. Toyah went to college but her program seemed to consist of weird art projects. Sophie dropped out and so did Amber. Rosie went to a posh school for the gifted butthen devolved into a pouting WAG wannabe. Sian was at least savvy enough not to let Sophie deter her from completing her course. It's simply not feasible or realistic that in a community like that, no one's child actually grows up, goes to school and manages to rise above the Street.
My God you guys have hit everything right on the head! I completely agree with all of your comments. Teachers have been portrayed in a very poor light as well as police officers and solitictors.
My sister and I have often discussed how not one of the young people have any aspirations to better themselves! I thought Chesney would have done something with his life but no he gets a 16 year old girl pregnant!
Is there not one redeeming quality about Kevin Webster?I do think that he's going a bit mad even thinking of fobbing off his son on his Dad and Pam.I read somewhere that Sophie is going to do a battle with drugs (I guess the booze wasn't enough-ex..the dive from the church roof) and this will bring all the Websters together including baby Jack.
On another note, I don't know how an entire investigation is conducted on one shady city councillor in the matter of a couple of hours and Kirsty has all the inside info. Shoddyshoddyshoddy.
"Education in general has always been treated poorly on the Street. . . Stape was a lunatic."
A lunatic yes - but when he wasn't murdering, kidnapping, abducting, ID thieving, impersonating, commiting financial fraud, or having sexual relations with buxom schoolgirls, one has to admit he was a damn fine educator (according to pupils) the best teacher the street's ever had. . . Well - could happen to anybody :)
You have hit another nail on the head, Defrost Indoors. With three universities within spitting distance, you would think that someone might actually attend one of them. Maybe the numerous empty flats around the Street could be rented by some students.
It's not just that no-one aspires to further education; they have no aspirations at all. On the one hand, you have Sally wanting to run the Factory, yet Sophie works in the deadest of dead end jobs in the Corner Shop. At least in Bettabuys, she would have some training and prospects. Maybe if there were some characters whose horizons extended beyond Rosamund Street, we wouldn't get endless recycled storylines.
You've got to look at what writers are like.
A few have degrees or have been part way through the university system. But these writers have more options in life and are very unlikely to end up writing a soap.
As writers seldom earn much, they tend to find their cheap pleasures in drink and sex and watching crime shows on TV, and this is precisely mirrored in Corrie's world view.
When they step outside their comfort zone and have to write about money or law or higher education, they make the sort of goofy mistakes people here have so often commented on in Corrie storylines.
You can't get the help....
It really bothers me that the kids who are regarded as bright (Todd, Amber, Sophie, Ches, and David) are the ones who fail most spectacularly. Ty learned a trade and has done well, Sarah was given a chance with her rich uncle, but put them together and you still don't have a functioning brain. In the decade or so that I've been watching, creativity is always squashed (remember Fiz's design ideas?), curiosity mocked (Ken's research, Roy's interests), and the cops are idiots or on the take. It's as if intelligence and professionalism are are to be avoided at all costs. There is nothing wrong with laboring, retailing or mastering a trade, but there is also nothing wrong with academic success and the professions. That one street kid hasn't succeeded in school and gone on to become a teacher/lawyer/accountant/doctor/social worker/engineer... is very troubling and another sign of how unrealistic the show has become.
Oh, and Brian and Mary should be in panto, not drama. They are too odd to be believable.
Hasn't Ryan gone off to Uni in Scotland - or on the moon because nowts been heard from him or about him especially from his Mum.
I realize this is completely off topic but perhaps Faye is craving the structured and disciplined relationship that Mary is providing her? Who knows, we could have another future soldier heading out of that household.
Back to the general rant here, Kevin needs go away. Far away. They need to lose the panto characters from the Street like Brian, Mary, Dev. And I was amused at how accurate one poster's comments about the shows writers are! Explains so much, really.
Yes Ryan's gone off to uni somewhere but isn't he due to return and get Sophie on drugs?
When there was all the uproar about uni fees going up it wasn't mentioned once on the street and showing how it was affecting people at the lower end of the income scale that wanted to better themselves-because there are none on the street!
There is also not one functioning, happy nuclear family on the street, you're not telling me that on a street you won't find one family where the parents are still together and living with their children..... Dev and Sunita were the only ones and look what she's getting up to, it's like corrie doesn't want anyone to be happy
Corrie I love you but please pull it together! We are fed up of the same old story
I don't think Kevin has a smug smile on his face. That's the only expression the actor can do so it serves for everything.
Agree about the young people on the Street. Surely one of them could be going to evening classes or doing a part-time degree.
The whole Kirsty story line is utterly unbelievable. Straight after Corrie is 'Scott and Bailey' where it's quite clear that it's a cardinal sin to check car owners details for personal use. Kirsty didn't seem to waver for a moment. The writers don't even have to do research. Just watch the telly!
For me the most ridiculous thing (in a script littered with them) was Brian telling Julie there'll be other chances - have they forgotten he is supposed to have had a vasectomy? And yes, I know they could adopt, get a surrogate mum etc etc., but it's not exactly something a vasectomised (?) man would say, now is it?
"When there was all the uproar about uni fees going up it wasn't mentioned once on the street and showing how it was affecting people at the lower end of the income scale that wanted to better themselves-because there are none on the street!"
Ryan is at university in Scotland -he won't be paying any tuition fees.
Oh yes he will. He's English. Scottish uni education is only free for students 'domiciled in Scotland'.
Kirsty seemed to know very well that doing all that checking up was not something she should be doing but she did it anyway. Brian did talk about having the vasectomy reversed back when Julie first thought she was pregnant and his "secret" came out. I guess the vasectomy worked after all.
I recall a Vancouver police officer charged with unlawfully using police computers to get the unlisted adresses of people associated with an abortion clinic. Police can go wrong.
It wasn't just the improper use of police computers - Kirsty also aided and abetted someone (Tyrone)illegally impersonate a police officer, by flashing her warrant card in support of 'Officer Dobbs' - a very serious criminal offence that carries a custodial sentence not only in the UK - but in every country in the world!
Couldn't see the need for that (to get the secretary to leave the office - or to make the reckoning all the worse when it all comes crashing down around her?)
Aren't these blogs wonderful??!!
As an actual Headteacher it never ceases to amaze me that Brian is in his post. I am hoping that the bosses have a long term plan and have him lose his job or else they are doing the whole of the education system a diservice.
Uh oh! Glass houses an' all that.
Now that you've told us you're a Headteacher, we can't let your typos escape unnoticed.
I think you mean 'disservice' don't you?
I'm afraid you've broken an Internet law (and if it doesn't exist, I hereby invent it) in that you can't dismiss Headteacher Brian in a post unless that post itself is 'unBrian-like', Headteacher :)
Oow! You can't throw broken chalksticks at me, it's not fair.
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