Gail's getting it in the neck from both jailbirds' birds; as Shona points out, Gail tried to bring David and Nick into the family but they're both in jail instead. David's settling into the new routine like an old lag but Nick in his business suit is suffering, especially when Davey-boy tells him that Ash, Nick's cellmate, smothered the last occupant of the cell. He carries on with his rein of terror when he tells Gail at visiting hour that she's made everything worse and she should do nothing from now on. Ash procures some drugs for Nicky T, and is hurt when Nick refuses them, saying he owes him., taking his suit as payment. Sarah, not particularly grateful for the free childcare, has a go at Gail for taking Harry to HMP Norcross, and Audrey still isn't returning her daughter's calls. When she does come 'round, she tells Gail to stop being obsessed with her children and their lives, and then Nick tells his mum to stay away from him. Poor old Gail is feeling very put upon and goes to the airport instead of cooking chicken for the depleted family and making a monk's outfit/habit for Max for his school project (what is the project? Junior Cadfael?). Go, Gail, go! While you still can!
Talking of crims, Sean's trying to discern whether Paul was his attacker by asking him to shout "Oi Sean!" in a threatening way over a full English in Roy's. Paul denies it for the very good reason that the perp was Marley, the drug grower slash seller of things that fell off a back of a transit van, who admits it to Paul in the cab office, overheard by Tim, who soon spills the beans to Rvd Billy, who tells the cops. Paul promptly dumps Billy, who, let's face it, despite his predilection for bad boys, can do a lot better than Mr Dimples.
At the new Bistro-Speed Daal collab catering company, Alya and Ryan flirt over canapés and Robert sees an excuse to go "wine" "tasting" i.e. visiting Vicky and the bump. The organiser of the charity function, who doesn't seem to have operated any kind of RSVP system, tells them that they need more food as twice the number of expected guests have arrived. Speed Daal is chocka (on a Monday lunchtime??) so 'Chelle has to call Robert to bail them out. He arrives with vol-au-vents and many phone calls from Ms Jefferies, all of which he ignores.
Meanwhile, Steve is charging £200 for a unicorn party visit (plus free edible rainbow glitter unicorn droppings - yum!) and is uninterested in whether or not he gets back his licence (for driving or running a cab firm? unclear), despite Adam's urging. The hair oil is obviously working for young Barlow as he is successful in court, but Steve tells him not to tell Tracy, because he's more into unicorns than taxis nowadays. Can't blame him for that.
Our Kirky (or "our Kuk", as Sinead calls him) returns and tells Beth he doesn't want to finish the tour because he misses her so much. So....the whole storyline was just because Andy Whyment was off on his holidays for a coupla weeks? Think I'd rather be hanging out with The Krankies TBQHWY.
Rachel Stevenson - on twitter

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It has all gone totally bonkers, ending with Gail, who has zero income, getting on a long haul flight at a minute’s notice. Are Jonathan and the rest of the script writing gang, all on drugs ?!
Oh, and does anyone know how long it takes to make a tray of vol-u-vents?
"Paul promptly dumps Billy, who, let's face it, despite his predilection for bad boys, can do a lot better than Mr Dimples" THIS!!! SO MUCH THIS!! They are so utterly miss-matched. Please Corrie let's leave them apart and get Billy back in his church, please please please! He's a vicar and we never see him do any vicaring ... I never classed Todd as a bad boy ... at least not in the same sense as Paul. Todd was witty, he used his intelligence and his oodles of charm to manipulate people, that's where his bad boyness came from. Paul is just a thug with a terrible temper, not for my Billy boy please.
I'm afraid Corrie has gone steadily downhill since going six progs a week and having a new producer. Gail is going to be very hot in Bangkok with that red jumper!
Everything that Denlives said!
Timings all over the place again. Beth was supposedly showing her photos in the cafe at lunchtime, then went back to work then said she was going for an early dinner with Kirk, then Liz told Steve about all the people she had just seen in the cafe at lunchtime.
Do they not have any body responsible for continuity?
Jeanie (anon): Maybe I blinked (or more likely dozed off) and missed it but whatever happened to Bethany and Ryan? I thought she was The One for Ryan, not Alya? I know they had an argument following the revelation that Ryan had asked Alya out, but I thought they had made up after. Now, it's as though Bethany never existed...Very choppy.
I thought the clips of Gail sipping champagne on her way to Thailand were hilarious, the high spot of the episode after all the abuse heaped on her. Maybe she will run into Jason over there and have a mad, passionate fling! I don't think we're really meant to take it seriously-as in how did she get her ticket so quickly, etc. But if we do examine it, she said just last week that she had money left over from Lewis paying her back...she could get a ticket on stand by...and there are shops in Thailand, I assume. All she really needs is her passport which we saw in close up.
I loved the Gail flitting off thing, even if it was a bit unrealistic. However as someone said, she had the money from Lewis. Ha ha, what's Sarah going to do for a childminder now!
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