Monday 15 to Friday 19 January 2018
Ruby's up to no good, Simon goes off the rails, Toyah thinks Peter is cheating with Carla, Craig uncovers Bethany's lapdancing secret, and is it the beginning of the end for Phelan?
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I just have to respond to Billy going over the cliff. We just saw this scene in Canada. I was elated thinking Billy was killed off. A more whinging and whining character has never been seen. But, alas it was to be. C.S. should issue a disclaimer in these scenes asking viewers to suspend all intelligence and rationale before watching. It was ridiculous to think that Billy survived that fall...and was seen strewn on the rocks below..only to appear in the hospital without a mark on him!!! And someone saying that "something broke his fall"???? Yes, it was the ROCKS! Come on C.S. give us some credit for intelligence...rather than insulting us!!!
It's like one of those cockadoodie chaрter рlays - you should stand uр and scream like Annie Wilkes! (sorry about that - just excited after recently reading Steрhen King's 'Misery' - great book!)
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