Why has Bethany been deleting Gary’s messages off Sarah’s phone?
Bethany doesn’t think that Gary is worth anything anymore. Her opinion of men has changed dramatically; she hates them anyway but because Gary has cheated on her mum after everything that her mum has gone through, Bethany can’t understand why Sarah would take him back. She is deleting the messages so that Sarah moves on.
Does Bethany have good intentions for deleting the messages?
Yes and I think that Sarah should listen because he cheated on her and got someone else pregnant! That is really bad, Sarah shouldn’t take him back after that, no excuse!
What advice would you give Sarah?
She is being a wet lettuce, she needs to up her game and go for Tyrone.
Meanwhile, Bethany has a new job. Why does Bethany enjoy working at the lapdancing club?
In Bethany’s mind, she is laughing at all of the men, she is taking back control of her body and over the way men look at her and approach her. If she is giving them a lap dance, she controls what they do to her, for example they can’t touch her and she takes their money.
Has this come from what happened to her with Nathan?
Yes, it’s not a case of Nathan has gone to prison so now everything is fine. The effects of what has happened to her has forced her to go down this path where she is now a lapdancer.
Tell us what happens when Craig turns up at the lapdancing club
One of the dancers has a tiff with one of the punters so the police are called. Bethany is about to come out to do her dance on the stage but she sees Craig so she runs back in the back. But because Bethany was there when the tiff happened she has to talk to the police so she comes out, no makeup and with her joggers on.
What’s Bethany’s first thoughts when Craig sees her?
She’s mortified that Craig has now found out that that’s what she does. And Craig is mortified that she is there and that that’s what she does.
Bethany is quite straight with him, isn’t she? Is that her taking control again?
She basically says, “This is my job and if you can’t handle it then you know where to go.” Bethany isn’t going to let anybody say that she can’t do it and that is something she feels very strongly about. If she lets Craig say that she shouldn’t do it and she doesn’t do it anymore then she has let Craig take control of the situation. Bethany feels really in control here.
What do you think Bethany’s family would say if they found out about what she is doing?
They would be really, really mortified, especially Sarah. It would be hard for everyone to understand why she would want to do that after everything that has happened. They would be really shocked and angry.
Does she feel like there are some things she still can’t confide in her family about?
She isn’t really bothered about them finding out, it’s more to do with the aggravation she knows she will get from them if or when they find out. She feels really confident in what she is doing and that she is taking control of her life so it is more about what her family will do and say to try stop her.
Bethany comes up with a plan to get Gary away from Sarah. How does she come up with this plan?
Bethany is speaking to Sam, one of the lapdancers, about how annoyed she is because she thinks that her mum is going to go back with Gary. She comes up with the idea of getting Sam to go in to the Rovers where Sarah works and be all over Gary because she wants Sarah to think that Gary has moved on.
What was your reaction when you found out about this storyline?
I was nervous, personally, at the thought of skimpy outfits but it was very much left up to me about what I wanted to wear. The outfits are more like Little Mix’s stage outfits. I wanted to understand how Bethany reached the decision to work in a lapdancing club and when Kate Oates explained it’s all about control I realised it’s a journey for Bethany. This is one step in her journey and whether it is the right thing for her or not, it’s her journey that she has to go down.
How important is it that Coronation Street shows that Bethany is still feeling the effects of what happened to her?
That’s the most important part of this storyline. Even though the grooming storyline is over, if that happened to me I wouldn’t suddenly be okay and this is something that will stay with Bethany forever. It is really important to show her journey from what happened to her then to her future.
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Turns out Bethany's pimp was not Nathan after all, it was Kate Oates.
Yes. She is also the serial murderer and the cause of many horrific accidents. We know that soaps stretch the boundaries, but there is a point at which proceedings are beyond the pale. At this point, viewers either turn off or laugh.
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