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This was the week when killer Phelan struck again and this time the victim was Luke. Lovely Luke with his head full of thick hair is dead and gone, blown to smithereens in an explosion after a car chase. He’d been asking too many questions about Andy’s disappearance and Phelan finally made sure that he’d ask no more.
Elsewhere this week it was Sinead’s hen do in the Bistro and Chesney’s stag do in the Rovers. At Sinead’s bash, there’s a DVD of her as a child showing on a screen in the Bistro. Daniel threatens Chesney and tells him he’s going to show a DVD taken from the CCTV at the RR in CS that shows Chesney hitting himself in the face with a brick. Chesney rushes into the hen do to stop the DVD from being shown. In the fracas, Beth gets thrown to the floor and breaks her arm. There never was a DVD, Daniel tells Chesney later and the two of them agree to bury the hatchet. Right in Chesney’s head.
Brian moves out of Roy’s flat as Carla prepares to move in. Cathy moves out of Yasmeen’s house and Yasmeen breathes a sigh of relief. Cathy and Brian then move into together into the flat above The Kabin, making them next door neighbours to HRH Rita, Lady Tanner.
Steve offers Michelle ten thousand whopping pounds when he finds out that she’s in debt at the Bistro. It’s ten grand that he doesn’t owe her, but tells her it’s money she should have had from their divorce settlement (it’s not). Where Steve has got the money from when Michelle was supposed to have bled him dry in the divorce, hence the reason for him selling the Rovers in the first place, is anyone’s guess. As is why he’s being so nice to his ex. It’s a question that new girlfriend/old wife Tracy wants the answer to, too.
Alya and Aidan continue to do business with the racist Parker Brothers. This escalates and there’s a fight in the street when Luke gets involved (before Phelan killed him, obvs.) Then a poison pen letter is pushed under Alya’s door and a car is damaged at the garage as the racists step up their campaign of hate.
Hospital scene number 1 this week: Roy consults about donating a kidney to Carla.
Hospital scene number 2 this week: Billy still in bed covered in tubes.
Elsewhere this week, Robert walks in on Kate and Rana as they canoodle on his sofa in the flat after Michelle lets the lovebirds use it.
Sean gets the sack from the pub and from his job at the medical centre this week. In both cases, it was for talking about confidential matters in a public place.
And finally, this week, Ken told Sophie that Emily was back in the country, tending to her niece Freda who is ill. Norris is also with Emily at Freda’s house. I doubt very much that we’ll see Emily back on the Street so I am intrigued as to why she’s been mentioned; most odd.
And that’s just about that for this week.
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This week’s writers were David Isaac (New Year’s Day); Jonathan Harvey and Cameron McAllister (Wednesday); Cameron McAllister (Thursday); Joe Turner (Friday double). Find out all about the Coronation Street writing team at Coronation Street Blog: Exclusive: All Current Corrie writers online
Glenda Young
Blogging away merrily at Flaming Nora

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Jeanine said...................
Luke was one of the "GOOD" guys - why did he have to leave?
maybe I'm reading too much into this, but it seems that any actor that joined under Phil Collinson or Stuart Blackburn is now leaving.
If Jonny, Jenny & Kate leave for Spain
Aidan, Eva & Anna are leaving
Steph will probably only come back for Luke's funeral
Zeedan & Rana will open their café somewhere off the street
nothing holding Alya on the street unless Carla hires her
Certainly no joy left on the street, just the same old misery.
I know it's just a soap and they are fictious characters but I'm devastated after seeing poor Luke getting shot in the head and then burnt alive. I just can't believe it, I loved Luke. Then come Monday we'll see Sinead and Chesney yet again.. why not terminate their garbage storyline and characters???
I understand why Dean Fagan chose to leave the show. Luke was, for the most part, a secondary character and he is looking for something more. How KO could possibly see the need for another “shock” departure is beyond me. Enough!!!!
Jeanie (anon):
I've just read that Luke isn't actually killed...that he escaped out the passenger door which is shown wide open in the fireball shot. Has anyone heard anything about this? It would work, I think, because clearly the Phelan story is fast coming to a climax. Eileen is suspicious and Steph (who knows everything about the arson) is set to return. So Luke could easily be warehoused (a coma or memory loss) for a few weeks or even a month) while the rest of the story unfolds. It would also explain why the producers made a point of showing he was still very much alive after Phelan appeared to shoot him in the head or chest. What would be the point of that simply to emphasize that he was burnt alive seconds later? An ending which is needlessly horrific.
But if he were still alive, it all makes sense. He escaped out the passenger door...lost his memory and wandered off or fell into a coma...fireball perhaps obscures all evidence or makes it appear like he was killed.
I think he and Steph will ultimately be re-united and both will leave the death-trap that is Coronation Street. Hope so, anyways; Luke and the actor who play him are way too good for Coronation Street as it is at the moment--and what storylines has he been given other than as under-appreciated toyboy to Tracy and Maria (ugh) and a lot of flirting with Audrey. I'd be frustrated if I were the actor!
I was also shocked by Luke's gruesome death and the worst part is Phelan won't even be a suspect again!
Due to the racism storyline with the Parker brothers,they will become suspects in Luke's murder while Phelan will be seen smirking in the background pleased with himself for getting away with another murder and dragging the storyline even longer.
I was puzzled on why would Ken tell Sophie and not Norris and Rita about Emily staying with Freida,They're her close friends not Sophie!
If Luke survived (and my soft little brain wishes this were true), he hid and will return as the shock witness as Phelan’s trial. I get wanting to stretch your wings but to leave a steady paycheck for a play with a 10 day run seems cuckoo.
It would be lovely if he survived and I had hoped he and his sister Steph could start a new core family on the show, but I doubt actors really care about things like steady paychecks or they wouldn't go into a profession with such a high unemployment rate. Also, a couple of years ago, they published the salaries on Corrie and Jack P. Shepherd earned something like 150,000£. I think, for a show seen in a few countries that's not much and he's one of its stars so the others must only get a fraction of that.
If I believed in my talent, I wouldn't be content to play a secondary character for years like Luke just because it pays a bit more than what I could earn if I actually was as a mechanic.
If Luke is alive after all this that would mean two characters thought dead show up alive in the same month. Surely it would push even the most stubborn Corrie fan to reach for the off switch. If Luke has amnesia and returns with a different face because of the surgery from the fire burns then Corrie would down in soap cliche hall of shame.
The actor has left to pursue other acting gigs as he explained in his exit interview. Why they wrote him out in such a moronic way was just for shock value IMO.
The actor is leaving, but that doesn't mean the character is dead. As early as next episode, we could learn that he escaped from the car, but is unconscious. More hospital scenes. Phelan is exposed some time in the next month; Luke wakes up and leaves the show with Steph.
Alternative scenario--he escapes, wanders off somewhere with amnesia, and reappears later.
Probably I just don't want to see Luke dead; or want to believe that Corrie gave him such a pointlessly brutal ending--if they are killing him, just have him go quickly and painlessly.
Same month? Who else is still alive?
I think this drama is just what we need to ampify the exit of Pat Phelan because the residents are too stupid, and how weird that two serial killers are connected to the developments, (Richard Hillman and Pat Phelan).
Dean, himself, said he was happy with the final exit - and we should be happy about it.
As for why did Ken tell Sophie? It seems that Norris is with her already, and by departing, Rita would have known due to Kabin shifts etc. Sophie convert to Christianism because of Emily and works at the soup kitchen so I would imagine that she has an interest?
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