The previews are in for next week’s Coronation Street and Bethany’s secret is out.
At home in the Platt house, Bethany takes it on herself to protect mum Sarah by deleting all her texts from Gary. And over at the Tinkers, Beth tries to talk to Craig about his relationship with Bethany but he continually looks at his watch. Beth’s troubled by his odd behaviour.
Then, Craig and Jess are called to a disturbance at a lap dancing club. Bethany, in lap dancing gear, is horrified to see Craig. And Craig, as you can imagine, isn’t too happy to find out what Bethany is up to either. Craig listens in disbelief as Bethany explains she enjoys working as a lap dancer as it gives her a sense of power over men. Craig’s appalled but Bethany tells him that if he can’t accept her job, then it’s over between them.
Later, Craig calls at the lap dancing club and interrupts Bethany mid-dance, telling her that he’s reached a decision As Craig leaves the club, worried Bethany makes him promise not to breathe a word to her family. Sarah confides in Craig that she’s worried about Bethany. Craig suppresses the urge to tell her the truth but assures Sarah he’ll look after her.
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