Monday 19 June to Friday 23 June 2017
Kev and Erica snog, Bethany disappears, Brian and Cathy have got some explaining to do, Fiz's friend Kim returns, Drew dies and his mother arrives and Aidan prepares to break Eva's heart.
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After reading the spoilers,somehow I don't think that either Anna or Dev will consider Erica's and Kevin's kiss a 'harmless'mistake.
Kevin has sunk to a new low,kissing a friend's girlfriend while Anna who's still recovering,is worried about Faye and is home alone looking after HIS son!Why is Kevin still on the Street?
I hope Bethany is rescued in time.
I just read a spoiler regarding Chesney. I don't think I can bear to watch it. To be honest with all that is going on I find myself not enjoying the show at the moment.
I am going to take a break. So if you do not seem me commenting that is why.
Take care all!
Take care of yourself too, Newfy Pearl.
i will miss your insightful comments, newfy pearl :(
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