Jason spends much of the episode threatening people, before coming to the realisation (slowly: this is Jason we're talking about) that his dad might have done it. Heck, I'm even starting to think that Tony did it and I watched the live episode, breath a-baited. He has a go at Kylie in the salon, David in the pub (honestly, I know David fights dirty, but did he really think he could take Jay-boy on? Has he seen those arms?) and Steve in the back room, although Steve, never a Tony fan, does sow the seed of doubt in Jason's mind. David too is thinking about Tony's wrench of doom, wondering if any of Callum's skull is still on it. "It was always hard to shift him," he muses, macabrely.
Platt vs Grimshaw is my current favourite storyline but tonight it is interspersed with two of my least favourite: the "Issues" story of Izzy and The Bad Drugs, and Connor vs MacDonald. I'd like to see a little less of Steve and Michelle and more of Steve and Tim, the new comedy partnership. Michelle lures Steve 'round to Carla's furniture-free flat with a fake spider and they seem to be getting on well until Steve asks Michelle to stop playing tit for tat, at which she takes umbrage and they're split up again. Meh.
Also lovesick is Sean, who tries and fails to get a day off work with the condition, and then he tries and fails to get Billy to go for a drink with him. For once, Todd is not trying to cop off with Sean's ex and instead plays Patience on his own. Whether this refers to Billy or Tony, we do not know. But when Sean asks him for help in winning Billy back, Todd suggests playing the long game.
Suffering from an actual condition is Izzy, who has her day in court. Making an impassioned plea, "It is not recreation, it is essential!", she nonetheless fails to show any remorse for the flatfoot’s broken foot, and is found guilty, but released on bail, pending sentencing.
She is already planning her appeal and it's up to Gary to bring her back down to earth. "Play the game, say you’re sorry," he advises her. This isn't a Frank Capra movie, you don't get off by showing the court that the law is an ass. Then again, I guess a Corrie trial without an outburst is a bit like a Corrie wedding without a hitch.
Maria seems to have eschewed curlers and tongs for hanging out with all of her new best friends. You can imagine Michelle telling her: "Now that Carla's gone, you can be my first best friend. Remember: on Wednesdays, we wear pink!" As well as hanging with Michelle, she goes belly dancing with her other new chum, Kate. Caz, not blessed with the usual healing powers of most Weatherfield residents, is still on crutches, and still watching Kate like a hawk, or, indeed, a highly trained professional soldier.
Meanwhile, Dev has buyer's remorse after buying a new blazer - maybe he should go shopping with Kevin, see if he can't get him to replace that purple jacket he's been wearing since 1987.
Rachel Stevenson - personal blog.
The Little Book of Carla Connor
A Decade in the Life of a Soap Queen
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Fabulous review-very funny!
This whole Michelle and Maria suddenly becoming "bezzie mates" seems very contrived. You have to wonder if these scenes were originally written for Carla, before her exact leaving date was known. Have Michelle and Maria even spoken before, except over the bar?
And sorry, IMHO, whilst the actor who plays Billy would have been a perfectly acceptable "civilian" gay character, I can't believe for a moment that he is a vicar. So riddled with self doubt at every plot twist, and utterly lacking the quiet calm and assurance that his job demands. I'd like to think he wouldn't have been offered the job, unless he had demonstrated these basic skills. Unless, of course, it eventually leads to him resigning from the church and/or renouncing his faith. That would make an interesting and original story.
And didn't he say he was going to go to his bishop for advice about Sarah's "confession" a few episodes back?
Kudos for Corrie for letting Izzy make such an impassioned plea for letting people use marijuana for pain relief. It was one of the strongest scenes in Corrie for a long, long while, and presumably it came from the heart of actress Cherylee Houston.
Maria was once related to Michelle via her marriage to Liam :)
Great review, very funny! I'm getting a bit fed up of Number One Detective Lady, she sound as though she was reading out a Jackanory story to Jason last night, rather than explaining what deep mire he/his father are in. And yes, John E, the Izzy in court story has been very well portrayed. Pity about the rabbit-in-headlights look on Izzy's face throughout, it really detracted from the story for me.
Thanks for the kind comments!
I found out only a couple of weeks ago that I have the same condition as Izzy.
Izzy said it like it is - it's a very painful condition, that, for some, regular pain relief doesn't touch what you actually feel. I'm guilty as charged for putting on a brave face when I go out. I carry painkillers wherever I go too. I didn't ask for EDS. I was born that way. It's now at that point where it's got its tap shoes on and finding a good spot to dance 24/7.
I've yet to discuss pain relief with my doctor - it *is* important (put off by weather and not feeling well enough to go out to make the appointment. I would phone, but that's not the point).
There's a ton of research going on to try and harness the power of THC - which is good, but also slow. Like many others with this, finding that place to 'balance out', it's important. When I heard Izzy describing it, she had it bang on.
I thought the same about Maria's lines sounding very 'Carla', even down to her sitting in a booth chatting to Aidan about Michelle - I can't remember Maria & Aidan ever interacting previously. But surely they've known when Ali King was leaving for around 18 months?
Spot on about Caz's non-healing powers. Sinead was on crutches for what, a week? After she was in the mini bus crash. Caz has been on crutches for ages it seems.
She can go anytime. A thoroughly dislikable character, although I suppose she was written that way.
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