A very easy one this week, especially for those readers who know their Coronation Street history. All you have to do is tell us whereabouts on Coronation Street you would find this telephone.
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Ritas flat?
No 1. Ken and Deirdre's side table by the stairs?
No.11? Elsie Tanner had a red telephone that is still used by Eileen. It was a symbol of Elsie's fiery personality.
Jack and Vera's (now Fiz and Tyrone's)
Llifon wins the prize! Ever since Elsie lived at Number 11, there has ALWAYS been a red phone in that house! X
I was also going to say Ken's place, in the front room by the stairs.
I don't think it's Eileen's as her place has really dark walls.
I may be way out in left field though!
Absolutely in Number 11. As others have said, there's always been a red phone since the Elsie Tanner days. This may be a photo from before the walls were painted purple :)
Norris' boudoir?
Eileen's was my immediate thought.
Eileen's - on the side table in her front hallway, in front of the stairs.
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