The story will be shown on Friday 26 June.
As the pub quiz begins in the Rovers, Nick prepares to bare his soul to Erica.
The quiz night begins with Erica acting as Question Master for Liz.
But as she’s delivering questions Erica suddenly experiences pains.
Liz orders Nick to take her to the hospital, while Carla watches in concern.
If you would like to know what happens to Erica's baby storyline, there's a spoiler in the last paragraph of this blog post.
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I don't like the story, but I do like Erica so far. It's nice to see Liz having a laugh with a friend, esp as we know she's about to lose her besty.
Sorry but I dont give a jot about Erica. A rather tacky and not particularly likeable nor particularly interesting that spends most of her time gurning when Nick spends time with Carla. Probably yet another bunny boiler in the making.
When Nick stopped Erica in the Street, I thought the woman was Leanne. Very similar type, which is why I don't think Nick and Carla would work long term. Problem with the Erica's baby storyline is that neither of the characters involved are ones you'd care about. Erica's been around for five minutes and Nick, well, he's just Nick. I can only see this storyline as a plot device for something else. Could Nick and Leanne reunite; stranger things have happened?
It will be interesting to see where the writers take Erica's character, after she loses her baby...Possibly written out after the drama of this storyline diminishes?? Continuing on for an occasional chat with Liz in the pub?? I don't see her and Nick as a guess would be that Nick will default back to Leanne....
I think Erica is a good match for Liz, but not so much with Nick. He's has more chemistry with Carla I think. Erica obviously is going to lose the babe, and then Nick will dump her as is his way.
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