Krissi will be touring in a one woman play called The Bogus Woman later this year. Krissi plays a whopping 52, yes 52, characters in the play!
The play was toured back in 2008 and was given 4* reviews from the posh papers in the UK. Check out the website which has details of the play and tour dates. Sounds like it's well worth catching.
There is a list of tour dates and more information on the play's website at:
The play is about an African woman who arrives in a strange country fleeing for her life, seeking safety and asylum. Having committed no crime she is indefinitely confined, interrogated, humiliated and abused. She witnesses the cruelty of the authorities and their casual disregard for an individual's human rights.
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Says a lot about Corrie's PTB, they couldn't think of anything to do with Jenna so they wrote her out, and now Krissi is taking on the huge challenge of playing 52 characters in one play. Krissi is well out of it, and it's Corrie's loss.
I agree Dolly. Another wasted character that they painted into a corner. The whole idea of her throwing away her career for Sloppie Webster was absurd.
I get so sad that there is a corner in Corrie where characters are doomed for no more in the show once they are paired with Sophie Webster. Actresses who have a lot of potential are quashed because TPTB seem to see more potential in Sophie than the viewers do. I wish Krissi and her play the best. Sounds interesting.
That is so true Beth. Sophie is the kiss of death for any actor who plays her partner. Why is that? Why can't they make her mature and conduct a grown up relationship? Even with Maddie, I always felt like I was watching 14 year olds play in their mother's house. Is it that they don't know how to write her character without petulance, moodiness and selfishness? She's what, 20, 21? Good Lord, its time to make her grow up.
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