Some madcap
capers tonight courtesy of Luke and his band of merry men who, thinking they've been had, attempt to, shall we say, collect
their Mule Face t-shirts at source. But they're disturbed by two of the more honest
bootleg hawkers in the business who seem to have had every intention of
delivering the goods. When Dumber and Dumbest pop around to Tyrone’s to hand
deliver the clothes and amusingly complain about thieving “recidivists”, the lads sympathise
and pretend they know nothing of the disastrous attempted break-in they had
But it all comes crashing down when Chesney is recognised, and seems in for a hiding. That is, however, until Fiz
arrives home and saves the day with her unique brand of high pitched pointy
chiding. Luke is to be kicked out on foot of the trouble caused, but she changes
her mind when trembling Tyrone speaks up for him and tells her he has been a good mate
while she has been gone. I'm enjoying the amount of extras with speaking parts at the moment, but I'm afraid preachy Fiz had me reaching for a cushion to hide behind.
I didn’t know
Michael was such a big Kylie fan. Not that Kylie, even though the neon-wearing palm-tree-pony-tail-sporting version is begging everyone to put
themselves in her place; she should be so lucky (sorry). The day of his
operation has arrived, and she keeps the seat warm by his bedside while Eileen
is god-knows-where, and when David arrives with a card from Gail, it gives Michael a chance to play Jeremy Kyle and try to reunite the pair by asking both to stay
until he returns from theatre.
After Eileen (at last!) delivers the news that the operation has been a complete success, it’s nice to
hear Kylie ask David for his and his family’s support during her recovery, to “walk
the walk” and help her succeed. It’ll be interesting to see who’ll be on board
with this, even if it is for the sake of the kids.

While the wreckage
of Victoria Court seems an odd choice for such a big moment in the
circumstances, poor Gary proposes and she refuses him, replying in a distressed
state that he should find someone who deserves him, and “it’s always gonna be
no”. It is sad that this has to be the case, especially considering he has
finally earned the respect of her family after, amongst other things, saving
Sharif’s life, and his modesty is as strong as his desire to love and protect
Alya. What a mess. All of this has left me rather deflated and I wonder if
anything is sacred on the street.
Meanwhile the sea air seems to have had a greater impact on returned Lloyd than we may have anticipated, as we find him more concerned with imparting his knowledge of fish and pub crawls in Tromsø than musing on the wedding he missed and the tragedies which occurred in his absence. The scenes themselves were good and so I’m beginning to think that the key to enjoying Coronation Street in its entirety at the moment is to simply accept what’s happening in parts where you feel it could be done a little differently; if only that was something which came easily to me.
By Emma Hynes
Twitter: @ELHynes
All original work on the Coronation Street Blog is covered by a Creative Commons License
When he first met Alya in a club, wasn't she abstaining from alcohol that night because she was a good Muslim girl? This turnaround makes no sense. :(
"Jason, I was a virgin"...I think that's pretty clear that they did the horizontal mambo. And why can't a good Muslim girl fall off the rails every now and then...they're only human and she's suffering tremendously.
Kirk was hilarious..I just love this character.
Jason is the town bike. He'd have known if she was a virgin without her having to say it - clearly for our benefit alone.
The two episodes were dire I am afraid. From the embarrasing Keystone cops behaviour of Luke et al regarding the t-shirts to the unbelievable behaviour of Ayla during the most religeous festival on the Islam calendar. Who is writing this tosh??
Nice Kylie Minogue references!
How would Jason have known Alya was a virgin? Really? She's the one jumped him. Also, this whole storyline reeks anyway. Jason may be a dog, but I don't think he'd do the dirt on Gary. Soddy. I guess this is a lead in to some sort of half assed pregnancy plot coming up.
Ha! Anonymous14.13 I was just thinking the same thing! if Erica loses the baby this could mean that NOONE ON THE COBBLES IS PREGNANT! Can you imagine that? You can just see the PTB sweating and stressing in their Story Plot meeting, can't you? They clearly hadn't thought that one through, and there's no other possible story arc they can think of. So who could possibly inherit the well thumbed Mothercare (Weatherfield branch) catalogue now? There's only poor Alya left who hasn't had to rush across to Devs for a pregnancy test, so she'll do. So now we'll have another 'who's the daddy?' nail biting explosively emotional roller coaster with feisty women and all that.
But oh I reeeeeeelly hope I'm wrong!
Anonymous 14:13, there are other indications, apart from who made the first move.
Did Alya and Jason kiss for a full second before making their beeline to the deflowering bed? Time to commercial break must be getting shorter.
The only highlight for me was Tyrone finally standing up to Fiz and speaking up in Luke's defense who was also conned like the rest of them.I hope there are more scenes like this and wonder if Fiz will be told about Maddie's and Kal's death or will they be forgotten just Hayley's death was when Tina and Ken returned?
Wouldn't the Nazir clan have noticed the smell of beer on Alya's breath? And other things? Did she shower and blow dry her hair before heading home from Jason's? A little bit of realism would go a long way.
For someone who has supposedly never consumed alcohol before, Alya holds her drink very well. I would have thought that one can would have her quite drunk.
The Street was fine without Fiz. Sorry she's back. How long will it take her to stick her big nose into Roy's life?? A few days? She was a horrible person when Hayley was sick & a dreadful buttinsky with Roy.
~JB in Canada
Jason has boinked every nubile woman (and one grandmother) on the street since he moved to Weatherfied, a place with a chronic shortage of contraceptives, and something in the water which makes every woman extra fertile (even Nick's granny lover). Strange then that Jason has never fathered a child. Is he sterile?
haha maybe Jason is sterile - or else his mum, Eileen, taught him to respect girls enough to wear a condom. Jason is definitely typecast as the stud, but he's not an a-hole. How long after Alya left his house and he's already over to hers to check in? A good bloke, our Jason.
Couldn't resist Jonny :-)
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