Where's the strong, sassy Sally? These days she resembles a poor imitation of Mavis Riley caught between Derek and Victor Pendlebury. Only poor Sally doesn't even have a wise cracking Rita interrupting her with a new delivery of Walnut Whips from th'wholesalers.
I watched last night as Sally was humiliated yet again by that good for nothing Tim. Tim really did have some nerve, giving Sal the cold shoulder for popping to the shops. It was not so long ago that the newly sainted Tim neglected the ever-unpleasant Faye for days while he was off chasing something nubile in Newcastle.
Just when she thought she'd shifted Rosie and Kevin out of number 4, her conservatory now boasts Faye and Grace sprawled out on her cane furniture, with lapsed Christian martyr Sophie moaning away in the background.

I don't know, perhaps Sally's greatest strengths are her weaknesses. She's always fallen for the wrong man, but then so has Gail, Rita, Audrey, Deirdre and the rest. I just hoped for more for Sally than being a human doormat for Tim, Faye and Anna to dust off their clogs. Following on from Sally's breast cancer storyline, her role in the tram crash and the revelations over Kevin's affair with Molly, the bride of Chucky, I wanted Sally to emerge stronger and more independent. Not this eager to please drudge we see before us.

So should Sally ditch Tim and the sisters grim? What would you like to see the wonderful Sally do next?
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Totally agree - I've been wondering where Sally's got to. This poor imitation is right tiresome IMO. Even up to last year she'd have crossed the street to avoid getting to close to the likes of him, but she dropped her drawers in a heartbeat and is crawling after him like some poor mare in heat. And the crap she takes from Sophie..c'mon. Either bring her back or get rid. Is this just a stall tactic until the useless Kevin comes back? Him I can do without.
Ooh, well said, Graeme!
Completely agree with all your comments! Sally is a very attractive woman surely she can do much better than Tim. I also am not looking forward to the return of Kevin could never stand his character. All we'll see is his grumpy face propping up the bar. Will he bring baby Jack with him?
Has she still got money from Kevin's scratchcard win? There's the old butcher's shop sitting there empty, she just needs a killer business idea. Or even better, a completely hare-brained one.
Agreed. Being outwitted by an 11 year old is not what I want to see happening to Sally. Great character, great actress. Is this really the best the writers can do?
Totally agree. I am old enough to remember how Sally and Kevin met, when he splashed her nice white boots with his car and she ran after him and gave him what for. Now she is a simpering doormat for a not particularly goodlooking jobbing handyman scrounging loser. I dont want to see her back with Kevin either, in fact I dont want to see beligerent shouty little Kevin back at all!
I dread Kevin's return. Sally will have split with Tim and there will have been some other ruckus at the factory. Back comes Kevin on his white charger and Sally falls straight into his arms. Awful thought. All that could change if Kevin doesn't come back so I know I'm wasting my breath trying to forecast the future. What I wish would happen is that Sally decides men are the pits and does something constructive with her life - business or college course. Sophie definitely needs to leave but BV has just signed another long contract. Sally's stuck with being part of her daughter's storylines for the next year or two. One glimmer of hope is that she could get promoted after Peter leaves next year.
Yes, I know Sally is a bit of a snob, but let's face it, she IS one of the brighter women on the Street and has shown this on several occasions.
Yes, let's have her open a business. Perhaps even the whiney Sopheh could work for her, then get inspired to go to business college.
One of my minor annoyances about Corrie is that two VERY bright children - Sopheh and Ches - have ended up doing NOTHING with their lives. Surely one young person could go to college and make a success of themselves! Ken Barlow managed to do it back in the day. So did Curly Watts and Angie Freeman(of the factory).
Please, powers that be, let's see some young people with some oomph!
Seriously, Since when did Sally turn into a brainless dishrag? Anyone who's gone through what she has, is anything but that. The new lease on life after beating cancer plus your no-good husband being vacated would yield a way more fun and feisty and go-for-it personality. I would be more likely to believe and be interested in her starting up a clothing shop or home accessory shop in the old butchers.. She should be kicking butts and having a blast. And by kicking butts, starting with Sophie, who has become the dirty water puddle on the floor from Sally's dishrag. GET A LIFE KID! Oh Sally, we can only hope the writers let someone with true knowledge and understanding of human nature revive you back to the land of living. I am getting really insulted by the stupidity we are being subjected to. Coronation street has a huge platform to effect, and by being so lame and defaming most of the female characters on the street they are losing out and making us, the people, scream at our television sets ~ 'NOT this again, how long will it take to watch this ice-cube melt??' and... 'Really!??? are we supposed to believe she's that stupid all of sudden???' and 'Can't someone just be positive and strong and inspirational instead of parading her boobies and behaving like she's just had a concussion - again?!' 'Really???' Are we supposed to keep caring if the writers don't? Maybe it's just a case of too many cooks in the kitchen, but whatever it is, the soup sucks and Sally deserves better.
I like coronation street, but I'd rather love it. The writers need to get hip to who's watching and start giving a damn.
blythe folgers
I agree with all of these comments. I think perhaps the problem with Corrie Street now is that the writers are too young and inexperienced to know and appreciate the characters, or they're just bored. They keep going for the formulaic "cheating" story line with almost EVERYONE. They just don't know the characters. Period.
Otherwise, we would not see Gail reduced to a simpering idiot mopping floors, or Dennis a P'whipped loser, or Sally a week kneed man chaser, or a dull Dierdre who might as well be wallpaper. What we do see is everybody is unhappy, everybody cheats, Tracy's still a beotch, Anna is still a beotch, Tina is still a beotch, Norris is still a beotch, Michelle is still a beotch and Rita is becoming a beotch. Steve remains an idiot. Chesney, Katie, Sinead...ugh, who cares?
The writing for the most part is pretty atrocious. They have a lot of really great characters and actors that they simply do not know what to do with.
I am so sick of the cheating story lines I could scream. Now we know a Peter/Tina debacle is ahead. Really? That's all you got to keep it interesting?
Back to the writing board says I!
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